王熙哲 羅天翔
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中文摘要 研究指出高齡者透過運動的參與將可改善生活狀況及生活不滿意的情形,然而坊間運動器材與環境設施的設計大都以青壯年需求為主,操作及使用便利大多未能符合高齡者需求,因而影響高齡者運動參與的意願。本研究旨在探討高齡者運動服務需求,透過半結構式訪談大綱,以一對一深度訪談的方式收集資料,研究對象依不同的運動類型,選擇十二位高齡者作為訪談對象,以ERG需求理論為核心架構。根據高齡者運動需要受挫情形,分析出自我證明、生理強化、自我要求身材、行動自主、環境安全、生活寄託、人際關係、運動設施與器材設計以及專業建議等九種運動需求類型,並整理高齡者運動滿足加強相關問題,再依受訪者訪談內容提出需要滿足建議,最後描繪出高齡者運動需求流程圖,並進一步提出運動服務改善及創新的實務建議,以供後續研究者、企業與政府機關參考。
王熙哲, 羅天翔(2013)。 以ERG理論觀點探討高齡者運動服務需求。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(2), 89-104。
A Study of Discovery the Needs of Exercise Service for Senior: ERG Theory Perspective
Wang, K.-H.-C.1, Lo, T.-H.
English Abstract In this study, we used Alderfer's ERG theory to analyze exercise services provided to seniors. Because most of the available sports equipment, facilities, and environment on the market are designed for younger people, they are often difficult for seniors to use. This tends to discourage seniors from exercising. However, studies indicate that seniors’ satisfaction with life can be increased by exercise participation, which suggests that understanding how to improve exercise services could yield tangible benefit. This study conducted interviews through a semi-structured interview skeleton to investigate seniors’ exercise services by adopting ERG needs theory. Data were collected through in-depth one-to-one interviews with 12 senior participants who were screened by selecting six types of exercises, three from each of outdoor and indoor exercise categories divided by exercise tissues and functions. ERG needs theory was applied as a basis, and the exercise-related frustrations reported by the participants were grouped into the following nine types: self-identification, strong, figure, active, environmental safety, living amusement, interpersonal relationship, exercise facility/device design, and professional suggestion.Keywords:ERG Theory, Needs Theory, Types of Exercises, Senior