林清壽 洪吉利
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中文摘要 老人失能人口逐年上昇,老人的照護人力需求更是逐年激增,志工時間銀行是秉持互助的理念,透過參與志工助人的工作,不僅可拉近中高齡者彼此間的距離,更可解決老人照護人力需求問題。而中高齡者從互助的過程中,除了肯定自己存在的意義與價值外,進而也能達到成功老化的目標。為了解中高齡者參與志工時間銀行的行為意向,本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,並增加「社會責任」構面,建立中高齡者參與志工時間銀行行為意向的研究架構。本研究以南投縣45歲以上中高齡者為研究對象,透過問卷調查方法來探討影響中高齡者參與志工時間銀行行為意向的因素。研究結果發現,中高齡者對參與志工時間銀行的「參與態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」、「社會責任」及「行為意向」的認同度女性大於男性;有參加志工的認同度大於沒有參加志工者;經濟狀況越富裕者認同度越高。隨著教育程度愈高對參與志工時間銀行的「參與態度」、「主觀規範」及「知覺行為控制」的認同度也越高。此外,多元迴歸分析結果顯示「參與態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」及「社會責任」皆會正向影響中高齡者參與志工時間銀行的行為意向。其中以「知覺行為控制」及「社會責任」的影響效果最高。
林清壽, 洪吉利(2015)。 影響中高齡者參與志工時間銀行行為意向之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(2), 209-222。
A study on the factors affecting the behavioral intention of participating service credits bank for the middle-aged people
Lin, C.-S., Hong, J.-L.
English Abstract The issues on the health, finance and care of the older people have obtained more attention in the aging society. Moreover, due to the growth of disabled people, the manpower demand of caregiver is greatly increasing. The concept of service credits bank system is based on the spirit of mutual help. Not only the distance between middle-aged and older people can be shortened, but also the problem of caregiver manpower can be solved through serving as volunteers. From the process of mutual help, the middle-aged and older people can affirm their life meaning and value. In addition, they can achieve the goal of successful aging. In order to understand the behavioral intention of participating service credit bank system for middle-aged and older people, the study combined the theory of planned behavior with “Social Responsibility” to build the research framework. The subjects of this study were people aged over 45 years old who lives in Nantou County. The questionnaire survey was used to investigate the influencing factor of behavioral intention of participating service credit bank system for middle-aged and older people. The results showed that the female, participated volunteers and wealthier people had more recognition of “participate attitude”, “subjective norm”, ”perceived behavioral control”, “social responsibility” and “behavioral intention ” on participating in service credits bank system. The better educational background is, the more recognition of “participate attitude”, “subjective norm” and “perceived behavioral control” of participating service credit bank system they have. Besides, the multiple regression analysis showed that “participate attitude”, “subjective norm”, “perceived behavioral control” and “social responsibility” were positively affect the behavioral intention of participating service credit bank system. Among them, “perceived behavioral control” and “social responsibility” were the most important influencing factors.Keywords:service credits bank, theory of planned behavior, social responsibility