盧麗淑 何于凡
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中文摘要 親近大自然對高齡者的生理與心理皆具有正面的幫助,高齡者在體驗自然的氛圍中成為因快樂而忘記年齡的「樂齡族」,適度地運用科技更可以增加生態旅遊的體驗性與知識性。本研究目的即在探討何種體驗的情境內容可以適度與科技產品結合並用於實際場域,輔助樂齡族進行生態旅遊,以加深旅遊體驗的深度與廣度。本研究首先針對兩個不同性質的場域進行樂齡族生態旅遊的行為觀察,接著藉由樂齡族及專業導覽人員進行深度訪談,進一步萃取樂齡族在生態旅遊時所面臨的問題與需求。研究結果得知:(1)不同結伴類型將影響其互動行為、須了解導覽人員與樂齡族的互動行為之關係、互動行為以步道與棧道類型的場域較為常見、場域環境影響體驗的行為、以及數位產品的攜帶性普及化;(2)當生理及環境因素皆達到滿足條件時,要提升樂齡族進行生態旅遊的正面體驗,需加入包含情感與故事兩個面向的體驗因素,及適當的科技媒介。期望本研究結果可提供未來生態旅遊場域的體驗情境內容設計之參考,並作為開發服務及相關科技產品的輔助,藉此提升樂齡族於生態旅遊中的快樂與體驗。
盧麗淑, 何于凡(2015)。 樂齡族生態旅遊體驗行為與情感之研究-互動科技導入之前置需求調查。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(2), 223-234。
A study on the behavior and emotion of the active aging groups’ ecotourism travel experience: needs survey on the use of interactive technology
Lu, L.-S., Ho, Y.-F.
English Abstract This paper presents a study on the behavior and emotion of the active aging groups’ ecotourism travel experience, in order to survey the needs on the use of interactive technology. In the first stage, behavioral observation with active aging people in two different ecotourism environments was conducted. In the second stage, four active older adults and two professional tour guides were invited for in-depth interview to find out the problems and demands which may happen in active aging groups’ ecotourism travel. The results show that, factors forming the active aging groups’ eco-tourism travel experience include external environment, physiological and psychological factors. In particular, external environment is an important medium to enhance older adults’ satisfaction, including the experience of five senses, accompanying emotion and nostalgia experience, as well as daily life stories, new knowledge obtaining and sharing mechanism. Results of this study can be applied to shape the scenario design of future ecotourism, to help develop services and related technology products in order to enhance the joy and experience of older adults in ecotourism.Keywords:active aging, ecotourism, travel experience, behavior and emotion