郭金佩 黃慧萍 許美雲 簡莉娜 蔡碧藍
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中文摘要 肌肉骨骼酸痛會引發疲憊、注意力不集中、睡眠品質差,影響工作成效、生活品質。國人每年處理酸痛問題醫療費用極高,大部分酸痛者不去就醫,自行使用器具及貼藥布,可見多功能酸痛器具研發十分重要。經分析各類酸痛處理器具,及對100位護理、科技業及長者實施自編「處理肩頸酸痛困擾與需求」問卷調查,發現有功能單一、價格昂貴、器具笨重及無法精確使用患部等缺點。經解剖位置測量及實體模擬後,設計「四合一,酸痛滾!」器具,可依酸痛部位調整角度,精準於患部貼藥布、塗藥膏、按摩及抓癢,具有控制藥膏量、輕鬆省力之特性,對脊椎病變、活動障礙與高齡者更具經濟效益及便利性,未來期望能商品化全面推廣。
郭金佩, 黃慧萍, 許美雲, 簡莉娜, 蔡碧藍(2015)。 「四合一,酸痛滾!」創新設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(2), 235-242。
Design of the “4-in-1 pain roller”
Kuo, C.-P., Huang, H-P., Hsu, M.-Y., Chien, L.-N., *Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract The occurrence of muscloskeletal ache may lead to fatigue, inattention, poor quality of sleep, efficiency of work and quality of life. Taiwanese spend approximately over 100 billion dollars on pain management. More than a half of people do not ask for help from physicians, but would like to use plasters or other equipment. Therefore, it is critical to develop a pain-curing equipment with multiple functions. Through the analysis of all types of pain-curing equipment and interview with 100 nurses, technological staffs, and elders, using a self-report questionnaires of neck-shoulder pain, the result indicates that the single functions, expensive, heavy body, and hard to accurately use are the disadvantage of current pain curing equipment. The “four-in-one pain roller” was developed based on the measurement of human anatomy. The roller can be adjusted to the different angles of the human body, so the plaster or ointment can be applied on the area precisely. The roller can be also used for message and scratching.Keywords:muscle skeleton ache, neck-shoulder pain, elderly