于孟弘 盧麗淑 張文山
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中文摘要 本研究針對擴增實境概念應用於樂齡族生態旅遊之解說牌模擬進行探討,研究目的為建置擴增實境應用樂齡族生態旅遊之互動解說牌原型與此原型的使用性評估。研究結果對於應用於樂齡族生態旅遊之擴增實境解說牌原型有四項修正建議:(1)解說牌高度可調整至100cm,版面大小增加為30×18cm,以增加樂齡族對此裝置的可視性;(2)增加互動裝置的感測距離與感測距離的提示,並清楚劃分可互動區與非互動區的位置範圍,藉以強化聲音引導與主題內容,透過數位科技讓樂齡族體驗生態環境;(3)建議在互動解說牌上提供圖示及操作步驟的提示;(4)樂齡族體驗完互動原型後,增加回饋機制讓樂齡族能感覺到自身的知識提升,在體驗完後願意邀請一同前來的親朋好友再次進行體驗。未來樂齡族生態旅遊若須融入擴增實境技術,可依據本研究提出的結果為依據,提升樂齡族在生態旅遊時的體驗,並且讓高齡者順利轉換成樂齡族,以提升樂齡體驗品質。
于孟弘, 盧麗淑, 張文山(2015)。 擴增實境概念應用於樂齡族生態旅遊之解說牌模擬。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(2), 243-254。
A study of applying augmented reality on active aging ecotourism by interpretive signs in mock contextual
Yu, M.-H., Lu, L.-S., Chang, W.-S.
English Abstract The project aims on studying the concept of augmented reality that applies on ecotourism of the active aging group by interpretive signs. The objectives are to understand the demand of carrying along technological products by the active aging group during ecotourism, and to raise the concept of augmented reality and apply to a mock contextual on interpretive signs in ecotourism of the active aging group. The procedure of the study is divided into two parts: (1) By undercover observation and interviews as well as workshops participation, the demand of carrying technological products by the active aging group in ecotourism can be figured out. (2) Build up prototypes of interpretive signs with augmented reality applied along with an evaluation of usage, the result will be stimulated to the mock contextual. Results showed that the variety of technological products carried includes: smart phones, non-smart phones, digital cameras and tablets, etc. Demands include: (1)the demand of recording; (2) the demand of safety; (3) the demand of knowledge; (4) the demand of convenience; (5) the demand of sharing. According to the analysis on demands and evaluation on usage, the application of augmented reality on interpretive signs in ecotourism of active aging group is raised. The procedures are listed as below:(1) loading of the augmented reality system; (2) integration of mobile devices and interpretive signs; (3) contents of the augmented reality system; (4) sharing experience. The mock contextual foresees to enhance the experience of active aging group during ecotourism and an improvement of transforming aging group into active and optimistic ones is sincerely expected.Keywords:augmented reality, active aging, ecotourism, interpretive sign