裴駿 孫天龍 黃建華 紀偉民
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中文摘要 本研究藉由虛擬實境技術發展動作評估的工具,並透過此工具能有效地評估受測者的動作控制能力。本研究應用虛擬實境技術建立人模及人形框,搭配動作捕捉系統所提供的受測者的即時動作,在虛擬場景中進行互動,同時利用身體質量中心(center of mass, COM)移動軌跡線在側向(lateral-medial, X)與前後方向(anterior-posterior, Y)的位移變化量標準差和移動軌跡線長度,作為本研究量化評估的參數。利用二種人形框尺寸相對於二種人形框移動的時間設計出四種不同的評估參數,寬度大的人形框在進行實驗時是較為容易讓虛擬人模維持於人形框內,寬度小的人形框形狀較貼近虛擬人模,人形框移動時間分別為1秒及5秒。7位年輕受測者平均年齡為24歲,10位高齡受測者平均年齡約為65歲,藉此探討年齡和這四種不同評估參數對受測者單腳站立的姿勢穩定性的影響。本研究得到三項結果:(1)分別在框尺寸大和小的條件下,不同的框移動時間對於年輕受測者COM在X方向位移變化程度的影響達到顯著。同理,框移動時間對於年輕受測者COM在Y方向和橫截面上軌跡線長度之影響也都達到顯著;(2)僅在大框的條件下,不同的框移動時間對於高齡受測者的COM在X方向及橫截面上軌跡長的變化程度影響達顯著,小框則無顯著,而框移動時間對於高齡受測者COM在Y方向上之變化,不管是使用大框還是小框則皆無顯著差異;(3)分別在框移動時間長和短的條件下,框尺寸大小對年輕和高齡受測者COM位移變化及其軌跡線長度之影響皆無顯著性。
裴駿, 孫天龍, 黃建華, 紀偉民(2013)。 以虛擬實境技術量化評估動作控制。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(1), 19-34。
Employ Virtual Reality Technique to Quantify Motor Control Estimation
Pei, C., Sun, T.-L., Huang, C.-H., Chi, W.-M.
English Abstract The aim of this study was to assess a subject’s motor control ability by means of a virtual reality technique. This technique was used to establish a digital human model (DHM) and posture models. A motion capture (MoCap) system recorded the action of the participant in real-time, enabling the interaction between human posture model and DHM in this virtual environment to be observed. The study also used a standard deviation statistic to analyse lateral-medial (X) and anterior-posterior (Y) directions, and the length of trajectory to quantified trajectory displacement of center of mass (COM) during single leg standing actions. Participants were divided into two age-groups: seven "young" (average age of 24) and ten "senior" (average age of 65). This study used two dimensions and two moving speeds of the posture model to yield four assessment parameters. The posture model was designed with wider width to help keep the DHM within the model during the MoCap experiment. However, with a narrower width of posture model dimension, the resulting DHM would more closely correspond to the human posture model. Two moving speeds, one and five seconds, will be applied to the posture model's moving 3 meters to the DHM in the virtual reality environment. The stability of one leg standing was estimated and studied based on these two age groups and the four assessment parameters. This study produced the following three results: (1) Under both conditions where the widths of the posture model’s dimension were either wider or narrower, the two moving speeds of the posture model significantly affected the standard deviation of COM trajectory displacement on x-direction in the "young" group. In addition, the two moving speeds significantly affected both the standard deviation of COM trajectory displacement along the y-direction and the length of trajectory for the "young" group. (2) The two moving speeds of the posture model significantly affected the standard deviation of COM trajectory displacement along the x-direction for the "senior" group only under the condition of wider width of the posture model. However, the two moving speeds had no effect on the standard deviation of COM trajectory displacement along the y-direction and length of trajectory for the "senior" group, under neither the wider nor the narrower width. (3) Irrespective of the moving speeds of the posture model, the two widths of the posture model did not significantly change the standard deviation of COM trajectory displacement along either the x- or y-directions in either the "young" or "senior" groups.Keywords:Virtual reality technique, Motor control, Center of mass (COM)