劉冠佑 吳信義 吳錫修 陳瓊玲 邱敏綺 鄧雅凌
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中文摘要 在生理障礙領域中,動作不協調是職能治療師常處理的問題。協調訓練依據動作學習理論,強調練習及回饋是影響學習成效的主要因子,臨床上職能治療師設計活動讓患者練習並給予口語回饋,循序漸進增加個案的動作技巧並強化其動作精確度以改善不協調。研究指出傳統復健型式耗時、費人力與資源及受個案順從度影響,重複練習難以維持個案動機,而且缺乏提供一致回饋,因此設計一個可以提供聲光刺激與回饋之協調訓練設備來增加個案動機、改善動作表現及降低治療人力顯得重要。本研究的主要目的為設計一套互動式聲光手眼協調訓練系統,提供給自閉症、腦性麻痺等患者進行手眼協調能力訓練,及做為肢體傷殘者上肢動作功能復健,亦可提供一般銀髮族與失智症患者進行身心活化之用,使其從原本專用於身心障礙人士復健產品轉為可供銀髮族或一般健康者使用的運動保健系統。
劉冠佑, 吳信義, 吳錫修, 陳瓊玲, 邱敏綺, 鄧雅凌(2013)。 互動式聲光手眼協調訓練系統設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(1), 35-48。
Design of Interactive Sound and Light Eye-Hand Coordination Training System
Liu, G.-Y., Wu, H.-Y., Wu, S.-S., Chen, C.-L., Chiu, M.-C., Teng, Y.-L.
English Abstract A lack of motor coordination is one of the most prevalent clinical conditions that occupational therapists treat. According to motor learning theories, practice and feedback are crucial for motor relearning. Traditionally, occupational therapists design therapeutic activities for clients, instruct practice procedures, and give verbal feedback based on performance. Encouraging patients to make successively more controlled and precise movements can improve motor coordination. However, studies have demonstrated conventional rehabilitation to be time-consuming, labor- and resource-intensive, and reliant on patient compliance. In addition, repeat practice decreases patient motivation, and feedback to patients has been shown to be inconsistent. Therefore, new therapeutic devices are urgently needed to maintain and increase patient motivation, ensure efficacious coordination training, and alleviate job pressure on professional therapists. These devices should possess sensors that provide consistent cues and reliable feedback to patients. The main purpose of this study is to design an interactive, sound-and-light, eye-hand coordination training system that operates in real-time, with high accuracy, efficiency, and sensitivity. It will provide eye-hand coordination skills training for patients with autism or cerebral palsy, and upper limb motor function rehabilitation for the physically disabled. These devices can also be used for seniors and dementia patients to keep the body and brain active, hence expanding its purpose to include the general public, instead of just for those with rehabilitation needs.Keywords:Occupational therapy, Eye-hand coordination training, Stimulus/Feedback