陳振華 周順億
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中文摘要 本研究設計製作一種可用於手臂與手指之復健輔助器,此復健輔助器包括一組手指曲張裝置與一組手臂曲張裝置,利用氣壓的進氣與洩氣以及氣壓滑台的前後往復運動,讓指定的手指與手臂進行復健。手指曲張裝置是結合在該手臂曲張裝置上,包括一控制器可控制空氣充入與洩出一組曲張氣囊,該曲張氣囊可以是具彈性捲縮的一個球型或複數長條狀,並與一特置手套結合。當手指固定於手套上,即可藉由曲張氣囊的充、洩氣達到手指彎曲、伸張之復健目的;上述的手臂曲張與手指曲張裝置亦可分離各別單獨使用。由於此復健輔助器的體積不大,結構及操作亦非常的簡單,所以組裝、使用及維修上亦非常的方便,適合方便個人安裝、攜帶及操作使用。
陳振華, 周順億(2014)。 手部復健輔助器之研發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(1), 63-70。
The Innovation for an Assistive Device of A Hand & Fingers Rehabilitation
Chen, C.-H., Jhou, S.-Y.
English Abstract This study proposed an assistive rehabilitation device for hand and fingers. The device contains a glove with pneumatic bags and an installment of a hand rehabilitation, which is controlled to move backwards and forwards by a rodless-cylinder for specified fingers and arms. By pumping and releasing the five bar pneumatic bags, the fingers that are fastened to the glove can be straightened or bent. These pneumatic bags are elastic and either ball-shaped or strip-shaped, and incorporated into the gloves. Placing fingers on top of the gloves then pumping or releasing the pneumatic bags can straighten or bend the fingers. The device can be separated in order to use for only fingers or only hand. This device can assist with the hand and fingers rehabilitation, whether the patient is in hospital or at home. Its small size, simple structure, and easy operation make it very convenient for patients to install, transport, and operate.Keywords:hand rehabilitation, pneumatic control, pneumatic bags.