Design of an alert system as a lighting device for homes
Jeffrey Sebastian Yadia Yvette Colindres Yeh-Liang Hsu
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中文摘要 Alert systems are required in environments such as homes and care-homes for older adults. Most commercially available alert systems, such as Lifefone, Tattletale and Medical Guardian’s alert systems (Figure 1), share common characteristics. They consist of an alert button and a receiving module. To trigger an alert by push-button in case of emergency is their main function. This research takes a different approach into the design of an alert system that is not based on a button trigger. “Drop” will be used to exemplify this approach and attempt to integrate an alert system into a daily use item such as a lamp and have other ways of interaction through visual stimuli by lightning.
Jeffrey Sebastian Yadia Yvette Colindres Yeh-Liang Hsu(2015)。 Design of an alert system as a lighting device for homes。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(3), 365-366。