高齡數位學習網站介面與教學設計之探討:以澳洲U3A online為例
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中文摘要 本研究旨在探討高齡者數位學習網站的介面與教學活動設計,以澳洲第三年齡線上學習網站U3A online為探究案例。本研究採用文獻分析法,由研究者挑選4門線上課程,藉由通用設計原則及教學設計之理論觀點,分析課程的介面設計及教學活動編排。本研究發現U3A online課程之介面設計簡潔,符合通用設計原則,字級的選擇、每單元訊息呈現的數量與瀏覽性,皆有考量高齡者的生理與心理特性;至於U3A online課程之教學設計方面,課程學習目標明確、單元學習內容淺顯易懂,但學習活動安排的類別可再加強;每單元學習活動設計對於思考能力之啟發性尚可,但學習者即時回饋機制則較為薄弱。本研究結果,可作為高齡教育工作者在設計數位學習課程時之參考。
賴弘基(2015)。 高齡數位學習網站介面與教學設計之探討:以澳洲U3A online為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(4), 401-410。
Analysis of the interface and instructional design of e-learning website for older adults: A study of Australian U3A online
Lai, H.-J.
English Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the interface and instructional design of an e-learning website for older adults. The research subject was Australia’s U3A online, a virtual learning site for people in the latter third of life (Third Age). We used document analysis to assess the interface design and learning activities of four selected courses. Universal design principals and instructional design guidelines were adopted in the data analysis. The results showed that the interface design of U3A online courses was simple and easy to navigate. The font size and amount of information displayed on the web pages were found to be appropriate for older adults. Results also indicated that each course’s learning objectives were properly described, and contents were easy for learners to comprehend. The activities could stimulate commitment to learning. Nevertheless, diverse learning activities could be added to increase learners’ motivation. Moreover, the study suggests that U3A online should improve its feedback system in order to support learners’ need for interaction. The results of the study provide useful information for educators and practitioners designing e-learning courses for older adults.Keywords:older adults, e-learning, interface design, instructional design