劉宜君 陳啟清
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中文摘要 隨著時間推移,戰後嬰兒潮轉為退休潮,成為市場的高齡消費主力,為高齡消費市場開創很大的潛力。本研究探討高齡者玩具需求與發展趨勢,以及對於高齡者的影響。研究發現玩具可以延緩生理與心理的功能退化,達到延緩老化的效果。高齡者可以藉由「玩」提升生活品質,增加對自己的肯定和保持信心,並得以藉由玩具加強人際溝通與互動。高齡者的玩具市場的形成,要提供能滿足使用者需求的產品,例如讓高齡消費者輕鬆的使用,並以產品創意度吸引消費者的目光。高齡玩具的設計著眼於刺激高齡者的感官系統、手腦並用、肢體運動、腦力激盪,並從中培養玩的興趣,同時具有提振情緒的效果,以提升高齡者的生活品質,增加他們對生活的滿意度及樂趣。長久以來,玩具仍被視為是孩童的教育與娛樂工具,高齡玩具的社會認知度與接受度仍然不普及。研究建議隨著高齡化或是超高齡社會的來臨,政府與民間業者可將高齡者玩具娛樂的產品研發與市場發展視為新藍海、鼓勵業者研發與市場開拓,以及結合非營利組織或是醫療部門進行實際運用,累積玩具影響高齡者身心狀況之實證資料,有助於促進高齡玩具市場的發展。
劉宜君, 陳啟清(2015)。 新世代高齡者玩具需求與市場趨勢之探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(4), 411-420。
The research of toy need and market development for the new generation of elderly
Liu, I.-C., Chen, C.-C.
English Abstract The post-war baby boomers are entering retirement age, and become the main consumer market of senior citizens, the elderly consumer market and create a lot of potential. Baby Boomers-it is the same generation that drove the growth of hula hoops, bell bottoms and personal computers. Traditional thinking among marketers is that Boomers spend less, have little interest in new products and technology, and have stubborn brand preferences. In reality, this could not be farther from the truth. They witnessed the age of the computer, mobile communications and the World Wide Web, and they have seen the explosion of communication in radio, television and telephone. Not only are they one of the most interesting demographics, but they are also the largest group in history. This study describes the elderly demand for toys and trends, as well as for the elderly person affected.
The study found the toy can delay physical and mental function degradation, to slow down the aging effect. The toys can improve the sense of hearing, vision, touch and coordination of the elderly by sensory stimuli. They also have the function of relieved tedium, company and promoting interaction with family or partners. Elderly person can be "play" to enhance the quality of life and increase their recognition and remain confident, and able to be toys strengthen interpersonal communication and interaction. Forming elderly toy market, and to provide products that satisfy user needs, such as elderly consumers to easily make use of, and creativity of the product to attract consumers' attention. Elderly toy designed to stimulate the elderly focuses on sensory systems, hands and brain, limb movements, brainstorming, and from culture interested in playing, but also has the effect of boosting sentiment, to improve the quality of life of elderly people, increase their life satisfaction and pleasure. Through the market description of Japan, U.S.A., and Germany, the study describes the trend of the development for the elderly people's toys.Keywords:baby boomers, new generation of elderly, elderly demand, toy, the quality of life