葉婉榆 陳叡瑜
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中文摘要 職場健康促進已被指出對於預防職業病、降低職災與改善員工健康具有正面效益,然而不同年齡員工的職場健康需求可能有差異。本研究以台北某住宿餐飲業為例,徵求多個部門涵蓋不同年齡層的員工參與問卷調查,研究期間為2012年6月至10月,共回收310份有效問卷(回收率90%);另訪談職場健康促進業務相關的4位企業主管與員工,了解職場對於健康促進方案的看法及實際活動推行狀況。研究結果發現,較年長的員工具有心血管方面自覺症狀的比例較高,然而在抽菸、運動與飲食習慣上皆比青年工作者較健康;而青年工作者在職業傷害、疲勞與心理困擾方面相較中高齡工作者嚴重。受訪者在質性訪談中指出,健康促進方案的設計應考量員工特殊需求量身訂做,這有助於增加健促活動參與率,並提升員工感知的受益程度。總體而言,中高齡工作者較需要身體症狀的控制與改善,而青年工作者在心理健康與生活型態方面需要更多協助。本研究結果可做為企業規劃健康管理方案以及政府研擬職業健康政策之參考。
葉婉榆, 陳叡瑜(2015)。 職場工作者身心狀況與健康促進需求評估的年齡層差異-以某住宿餐飲業為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(4), 437-452。
Age differences in physical and mental health conditions and workplace health promotion needs among workers–An example of accommodation and catering industry employees
Yeh, W.-Y., Chen, R.-Y.
English Abstract Workplace health promotion (WHP) has been shown to prevent occupational disease and workplace injury as well as increase health productivity; however, WHP needs among workers may vary significantly by age. Therefore, this study examines age differences in WHP need to provide empirical evidence for policy related to the aging workforce in Taiwan. A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted of employees in a company in the accommodation and catering industry in Taipei from June to October 2012. The survey yielded 310 effective questionnaires from employees aged from 20 to 65 (return rate 90%). Participants were asked to provide information regarding demographic/work background, physical/mental health conditions and lifestyle behaviors, occupational injury and burnout occurrence, workplace stressors, and stress-related presenteeism. In addition, four employees and supervisors were invited to participate in in-depth interviews. Results showed that compared with younger workers, seniors reported a higher percentage of cardiovascular discomfort but more positive health behaviors such as less smoking, more regular exercise, and healthy dietary habits. Younger workers experienced more occupational injuries, burnout and mental disturbance, but better adaptability to new information systems or technology importation. After adjustment for gender and employment grades, the above patterns remained similar. Results from the qualitative interviews showed that the design of WHP programs should be tailored to the needs of the respective individuals. This study suggests that elder workers need to make appropriate work arrangements to control or improve physical symptoms, and that management strategies to tackle elder workers’ difficulties with learning computer applications are also needed. On the contrary, younger workers need more assistance and guidance to maintain positive lifestyles. This study has practical implications for management and WHP practitioners.Keywords:workplace health promotion (WHP), middle-aged and older workers, age differences, needs assessment