林俞均 許雅媮 蕭昭悌 賴靖璇 蔡碧藍
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中文摘要 2010年全球有3,560萬失智症患者,以每年770萬人速度增加,相當每四秒有一位新罹病者,而老化過程中手部肌力的減退,會使日常生活受限,家庭照顧負擔增重,故認知功能及手部肌力訓練產品之研發顯得迫切。經分析及模擬各種認知、肌力訓練產品後,發現有操作繁瑣、價格昂貴、攜帶不易,以及場域受限等缺點,而本「手腦並用好背心」產品,內置按壓式機芯,讓受訓者來回投擲肌力球,認知穿戴背心者身上的圖卡後,可立即回饋音效,達到趣味性、人際雙向互動訓練過程;具操作簡易、價格便宜,以及不受限場域與人數,隨時可訓練關節肌力及認知功能之特色,對於長照機構或護理之家的長者更有助益,未來塑造成實物並通過人體試驗倫理委員會後,將可全面推廣。
林俞均, 許雅媮, 蕭昭悌, 賴靖璇, 蔡碧藍(2015)。 創新產品:手腦並用好背心。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(4), 469-478。
Good vest, combinatorial use of hands and brain
Lin, Y.- C., Hsu, W.-C., Hsiao, J.-L., Lai, J.-L., Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract In 2010, 35.6 million people around the world were diagnosed with dementia, and the number has increased by 7.7 million every year. Moreover, every 4 seconds, there is a newly diagnosed dementia patient. The aging process often leads to decreased power in the muscles of the hands, which can limit the range of daily activities and increase the burden on family caregivers. Therefore, for elderly persons living with dementia, it is important to generate a product to train cognition and muscle power. After analyzing and modeling a range of such products, many of which are difficult to use, expensive, and cumbersome to carry, we developed the Good Vest for Combinatorial Use of Hands and Brain, which offers significantly greater benefits in exercising joints, muscles and cognition. For example, as the patient throws a ball into the vest with cognition training cards, the vest will ring with feedback for correct answers. It is fun, easy to handle, inexpensive, and conducive to interpersonal activity. In addition, once it is granted approval by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the vest will be available to elderly patients in nursing homes or long-term care facilities.Keywords:cognitive training, waistcoat, strength training