張惠甄 鄧育琪 羅雅妮
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中文摘要 長期臥床者、失能者、失智症或其他身心障礙的長者,由於生活無法完全自理或行動障礙需利用輪椅達到移動的目的,但長者或失能者卻經常因為體力虛弱而自輪椅上滑落,發生機械式意外傷害。目前市售的輪椅皆未設計放置尿袋的空間與支撐小腿的設備,導致照顧者只能暫時將尿袋放在個案的大腿或綁在小腿,無形中也增加尿路逆行性感染的機會。因此本創作針對某一種傳統可煞式輪椅加以改良,在兩側鎖骨到腰部加裝U型肩墊,使得輪椅具有固定的效果,且穩定性佳、不會摩擦個案的皮膚;另外,在U型肩墊底部加裝安全帶式織帶,由前往後扣,預防前傾、跌倒,並附加J型金屬尿袋放置架,讓身上有留置導尿管的個案在乘坐輪椅時可將尿袋放置輪椅旁,減少尿路受到逆行性感染的威脅。同時為了防止個案的小腿向後掉落、增加乘坐時的舒適度,也設計了小腿置放設備。此款創新輪椅不僅能夠降低長期臥床者、失能長者、失智者、虛弱者,以及其他身心障礙者乘坐輪椅時發生前傾、跌倒的情形,兼具改善照顧者使用輪椅時的困擾及協助擴大個案的活動範圍。
張惠甄, 鄧育琪, 羅雅妮(2015)。 「有愛無礙」改良式輪椅設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(4), 479-484。
Harmless modified innovation wheelchair
Chang, H.-C., Teng, Y.-C., Luo, Y.-N.
English Abstract There are many bedridden, disabled, or dementia-suffering elderly, as well as those in the mental and physical disability populations, who are mobility impaired. These people must often use wheelchairs to maintain daily activity, making wheelchairs necessary long-term assistive devices. However, when using a wheelchair to move, the elderly, disabled or others with mobility problems may slip out of the chair because of physical weakness, which can easily lead to injury. Secondly, the modern configuration of wheelchairs includes no place for urine catheter bags and their calf support functions, often resulting in caregivers putting the bag on the leg of the case or tying it to the calf, which can easily lead to retrograde urinary tract infections. The Innovation Wheelchair is designed for the bedridden elderly or otherwise disabled to decrease caregiver distress when using a wheelchair, and increase their mobility and quality of life. This Innovation Wheelchair improves on the traditional brake wheelchair to reduce elderly and frail patients’ slipping over or leaning forward. This novel invention includes U-shaped pads with seat belts on both shoulders for better stability. Also, the quality of the material ensures that it will not chafe or irritate the skin. The wheelchair is designed with an additional J-shaped metal frame on which to place a urine catheter bag, and we’ve created a comfortable calf compartment to prevent the leg falling backwards.Keywords:innovation wheelchair, urine catheter bag, U-shaped pads