陳建佑 陳建華 黃庚取 陳俊明
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中文摘要 高齡化社會的來臨,很多銀髮族肌力與關節因年齡而退化,除了影響自我管理的能力之外,也會降低銀髮族的生活品質,因此輔具的應用是具有必要性的。輔具是輔助或是增加使用者的能力,起身輔具就如字面上解釋一樣,是輔助使用者從坐姿轉換成站姿的工具,對於肌力與膝關節功能不足的銀髮族,起身輔具是生活所需的必需品。但針對喪失下肢肌力的族群,具有動力式起身輔具就顯得相當重要。動力式起身輔具可協助起身外,也可以在起身後當作矯具、固定下肢。若輔以助行裝置就可以進行短距離移動。傳統機構式起身輔具不具動力輔助的功能,不能滿足喪失下肢肌力的族群,故動力式起身輔具有一定的市場需求,本文將針對德林公司自行開發之動力式起身輔具進行介紹。
陳建佑, 陳建華, 黃庚取, 陳俊明(2014)。 新型動力式起身輔助輔具之設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(1), 119-124。
Design of New Electric Stand-up Aid
Chen, J.-Y., Chen, J.-H., Huang, K.-C., Chen, C.-M.
English Abstract With recent advancements in medical technology as well as the rise of the regimen concept, the average life expectancy of a human being continues to increase. This results in an aging society, already observed in many countries. The World Health Organization estimated that there will be nearly 690 million seniors by 2025. The degeneration of joints and muscle strength will affect the ability of self-management and reduce the quality of life for seniors. Therefore, it is necessary to have aids to help seniors to modify body posture such as moving from a sitting position to a standing position or vice versa. This electric stand-up aid is a necessity for seniors with weak knees and muscles; it is even more crucial for clinical groups who have no muscle strength in lower limbs. The electric stand-up aid can keep the lower limbs in a stable position and give extra support for a short walk. Because traditional stand-up aids are not motorized, they cannot meet the needs of those individuals who have no muscle strength in lower limbs. Therefore, the electric stand-up aid certainly has a market. This article introduces the electric stand-up aid designed by the TEH LIN Prosthetic & Orthopaedic, INC.Keywords:aging society, elderly, stand-up aid