盧東宏 林星辰 陳蓉蓉 陳雅苓 李岳軒 曾宇弘 陳雪玲
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中文摘要 本論文藉由多元化生理感測與回饋指引的整合,建構一套包含多種有氧運動模式的遠距多使用者體感心臟復健運動管理系統。居家端可透過此系統達成即時動作相似性分析以及提供運動改善指引,並同時能即時地將使用者的影像和運動骨架串流以及生理資訊傳遞到遠距端的照護中心。透過與遠距照護中心的結合,以及個管師一對多即時個人運動的監控管理,打造一安心、安全及有效的復健運動環境,提供使用者個人化的豐富多元運動處方與心臟復健運動指引,讓心臟病患在進入心臟復健階段後,一方面能夠監控復健運動處方的執行情形,也可長期監控與評估使用者在執行復健運動的強度是否達成預定的目標,提升使用者的遵從性。
盧東宏, 林星辰, 陳蓉蓉, 陳雅苓, 李岳軒, 曾宇弘, 陳雪玲(2013)。 遠距多使用者體感心臟復健運動管理系統。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(2), 47-56。
Motion-Sensing Based Exercise Management Tele-System for Multi-User Cardiac Rehabilitation
Lu, T.-H., Lin, H.-C., Chen, R.-R., Chen, Y.-L., Lee, Y.-H., Tseng, Y.-H, Chen, H.-L.
English Abstract This paper describes a remote motion-sensing based exercise management system. This multi-user cardiac rehabilitation system includes the use of various aerobic exercises and features an integrated physiological sensing system that provides live coaching feedback. The home-end of the system not only provides instruction and exercise coaching, it also performs motion similarity analysis in real-time while it simultaneously transmits data to a telecare center including the user image, a live streaming image of the exercising person’s skeletal positioning, and physiological information. Using the combination of the home-end and the remote-end systems as well as real-time care management by a one-to-multiple personal exercise monitor, this system can provide the user with a variety of personalized exercise prescriptions and real-time cardiac rehabilitation coaching in a relaxed, safe and effective rehabilitation exercise environment. Therefore, by using this telesystem during cardiac rehabilitation the patient can not only be monitored for compliance with the rehabilitation exercise prescription, but also can be monitored for the long-term and evaluated to see if the patient is reaching the predicted goals and intensity of the rehabilitation exercise prescription in a way that improves patient compliance.Keywords:Motion-sensing rehabilitation exercise system, Care service platform, Cardiac rehabilitation