黃于珍 徐業良
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中文摘要 遠距居家照護系統一般著重在建立居家環境與醫療照護服務機構的聯繫,提供服務內容也以健康照護為主,系統功能著重在生理訊號的擷取與傳輸。儘管所需的生理數據量測裝置與通訊等技術已經相當成熟,許多研究計畫及商業營運亦在持續進行中,然而在實際應用上因為系統太複雜、營運成本太高以及使用者沒用足夠的使用動機等因素,遠距居家照護系統尚無法順利地進入消費者市場。本研究以社群網路為基礎建構個人化遠距居家照護系統,將系統規模簡化為個人行動裝置上的兩個App,大幅降低了系統建置的門檻與成本,更將遠距居家照護系統的價值擴大到人與人之間的溝通與關懷,子女、家人形成小型的家庭網路社群,共同關懷高齡者的健康。
黃于珍, 徐業良(2014)。 以社群網路為基礎建構個人化遠距居家照護系統。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(2), 71-80。
Building a Personal Home Telehealth System Based on Social Network
Huang, Y.-C. Hsu, Y.-L.
English Abstract Home telehealth systems generally focus on building connections between the home and home
health care service providers. The majority of service contents are health caring, and the technical
emphasis is on establishing an information channel for health data transmission between homes and home
healthcare service providers. Although useful physical data monitoring equipment and information
communication technologies (ICT) are readily available and have been used by many researchers and
businesses, they have not become as popular as expected. In practical applications, such systems are often
too complicated, cost is too high, and potential users (including the elderly and their caregivers) do not
have enough motivation.
This research, “Building a personal home telehealth system based on social network,” developed
two Apps based on Web 2.0 and used existing cloud services and personal mobile devices to simplify a
home telehealth system and reduce its cost. The system also connected to Facebook, which is the biggest
social network in the world. It lets more family members join in and form a small “family social
network.” The family members can take care of elderly relatives and share life experiences. Most
importantly, the system transforms a home telehealth system into a platform of communication and care
between the elderly and their families.Keywords:Home tele-health system, Social network, Tablet PC