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中文摘要 本研究以喚起記憶之互動情境回憶空間裝置設計及自然舒適之居家產品設計,來進行失智老人之互動情境回憶空間與產品設計創作。設計創作藉由互動技術改變居家空間元素,與失智老人產生互動達到心靈療養效果;另外藉由數位構築輔助,提出創新設計流程及加工技術,製作更符合老人因老化而局部退化的肢體使用的居家空間及產品設計。研究成果提出三件設計作品,互動空間裝置「療。望」、互動鞋櫃設計「迎。春」及互動竹編椅設計「乘。風」。
林楚卿(2013)。 「望春風」:失智老人創意應用產品及情境回憶空間概念設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(2), 123-134。
Memories: Creative Elderly Product Designs and Memories Evokes Spatial Design for Dementia
Lim, C.-K.
English Abstract This study developed innovative designs for dementia care, based on two design directions: (1) interactive design space to recall memory; and (2) comfortable products using natural materials. Interactive technologies are embedded in furniture and building elements, to create an interactive recall spatial design for spiritual healing. In addition, this study attempted to construct an innovative design and fabrication process using CAD/CAM. Consequently, three interactive product designs for dementia are proposed: “memories” interactive wall, “welcome” interactive cabinet, and “fit” interactive chair.Keywords:Reminiscence therapy, Dementia, Interactive design, Digital fabrication