High level design of LAN centric IoT network for supporting health and activity monitoring in the home environment
Kim Lindholm,Dorothy Li Bai,Yeh-Liang Hsu
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中文摘要 Internet of Things (IoT) provides a great concept for automating and supporting health and activity monitoring of older adults (Zhang and Zhang, 2011). IoT are mostly in cloud centric structure, where devices connect to an external server in the “cloud”. Problem with this kind of architecture is that if provider suddenly chooses to change service agreement or turn off the server, end user would be left with useless sensors and actuators. Also risks of data security are considerable when sending data through Internet (Aazam, 2014). Moreover, privacy issues for storing health data in the cloud server are often concerned by hospital, nursing home and household users.
In this paper, we propose using an edge server in the home environment for supporting activity and health monitoring of older adults in daily life. Instead of storing user’s private data in cloud servers far out of reach of end users, the data is stored in the edge server in their own homes, so that users own the data, can access or process the data when needed. The IoT edge server can also work as a Wi-Fi router, building a “LAN centric IoT” network around it in the home environment.