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中文摘要 台灣天氣潮濕悶熱,屬於海島型國家氣候,夏季經常有午後雷陣雨,往往會有突如其來的一陣大雨,此時全家大小常需急急忙忙的想去搶收那些已經晾曬的衣服。在高齡化的台灣社會裡,平日往往都是退休的老人在家,而年長者急忙搶收晾曬的衣服的行為是非常危險的,已經有很多的案例顯示,當天氣突然下起雨來,老年人常會為了趕著要將晾曬在外的衣服收起來,造成跌倒受傷甚至摔斷骨頭危及生命。如何設計一個有效的、安全的晾衣系統減少這樣的憾事發生,讓老年人不再因為趕著收衣服而跌倒受傷是非常迫切需要的。目前大部分的家庭都還是使用傳統的曬衣桿,市面上自動化的曬衣系統都相當的昂貴,而本研究所作的曬衣系統成本相當的低。同時,對於銀髮族而言,自動化的收曬衣服的行為讓生活不用再因匆忙收衣、曬衣緊張甚至導致傷害,提供的自動衣架衣服分離功能是一大特色,目前並無相關技術產品有實作,對銀髮族而言是一大便利。
黃世昌(2016)。 銀髮族設計專屬的智慧型曬衣系統。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(3), 319-328。
An Intelligent Clothesline System for Senior Citizens
Huang, S.-C.
English Abstract The weather in Taiwan is hot and humid. Afternoon showers are common in the summer and lead to a rush to bring in the laundry that has been put out to dry before they are wetted by the rain. Like many countries worldwide, Taiwan has an ageing society. The young and middle-aged go to work on weekdays, leaving only the elderly at home. This imposes the burden to keep laundry dry on the elders. There have been many incidents where elders have fallen and broken their bones and even suffered life-threatening injuries when they hurried to bring in the laundry. Currently, most families are still using traditional bamboo poles for drying clothes. While automated clothesline systems are available in the market, they are quite expensive. In this study, an intelligent, low-cost clothesline system is designed for elders. This system automatically collects the clothes and separates clothes from their clothes hangers. Automatically separating clothes from hangers is a novel technique not found in current products, and can provide much convenience to elders.Keywords:intelligent clothesline system, automatic clothes collection, weather aware, spiral track