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中文摘要 全球氣候異象不斷,加上人口成長與環境惡化等因素,糧食危機的問題已成為全球重要的課題。人口老化日益趨增,年長者退休後如何能保持健康活力,是非常重要的。因為我們提出讓老人回到農業時代的種菜養魚的生活情境,同時讓兩大問題獲得適度地解決。在本文中,我們將重點放在使用智慧生活科技結合養魚種菜的生活習慣,讓一個在都市生活且已經漸漸遠離農村純樸生活的老年人,可透過手邊常見的平板電腦或智慧型手機和魚菜共生系統進行溝通,使年長者退休後能發展出新的生活型態。本文主要說明包括:(1)開發室內型和戶外型魚菜共生系統(Aquaponics);(2)設計資料庫記錄長者及魚菜共生系統監控資訊;(3)設計介面將感知設備整合到智慧型手機或平板app。這項研究成果可用於資通訊產業及老人福祉產業,能提供更多糧食以及促進老人身心健康。
林正敏、張育誠、廖俊欽、蕭盟鋼、林幸儀、余錦宣、汪孟杰(2016)。 銀髮族健康促進暨魚菜共生情境感知系統之研製。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(3), 345-356。
Development of context-aware, health-promoting aquaponics system for seniors
Lin, C.-M, Zhang, Y.-C., Liao, J.-Q., Xiao, M.-G, Lin, X.-Y., Yu, J.-X., Wang, M.-J.
English Abstract Recent human population growth and environmental deterioration has made the food crisis an important global issue. As the population ages, maintaining health and vitality after retirement becomes increasingly important. This study proposes a method to counteract this by encouraging seniors to adopt a healthier lifestyle by farming fish and vegetables using aquaponics. This study focuses on the use of technology in combination with a fish- and vegetable-farming routine for the elderly. Living in urban areas, many elderly have lost the simplicity of rural life. Using an aquaponics system that can be operated using a smartphone or tablet, the elderly can return to the basics without the inconveniences of the past while developing a new retirement lifestyle. The work has three main tasks: (1) development of indoor/outdoor aquaponics systems; (2) the design of database to collect information about the aquaponics system and the elderly users; and (3) design of the interface between sensors and app. The research results can be used to enhance the welfare of the elderly by enabling them to produce their own food while improving their mental and physical health.Keywords:food crisis, elderly care, aquaponics, lifestyle, wearable devices