Steps & Flowers-居家環境下銀髮族多元互動平台之開發
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中文摘要 本研究目的在結合資通訊技術,開發專屬於高齡者多元互動平台,以居家環境為場域,以銀髮族與其子女、家人、照護者為對象,應用資通訊技術及感知地墊、互動設計等技術,建立Steps & Flowers互動平台,在設計思考上更注重銀髮族與環境、銀髮族與遠端子女之間的實體互動性。本研究不強調「數位式」互動方式,而在居家環境中選擇如「活動感知地墊」、「互動花器」、「互動手機套」等等原本就存在於銀髮族居住空間的生活物品,作為銀髮族與近端家庭環境之間、銀髮族與遠端子女之間自然、實體的互動媒介。更能夠複製人們三度空間真實面對面接觸的經驗,兩端的人有同處同一空間的真實感,將兩端的家「連結」起來,讓高齡者感受到遠方的子女、照護者彷彿就住在一起,提供安全感與真實、即時的關懷。
林楚卿(2016)。 Steps & Flowers-居家環境下銀髮族多元互動平台之開發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(3), 357-366。
Steps & Flowers: development interactive platform for solder adults in the home environment
Lim, C.-K.
English Abstract This research aims to develop an interactive platform for the older adults and their children, family and caregiver in the home environment based on information and communication technology. Information and communication technology, “motion sensing carpet” equipment, and interactive technologies will be used to build the platform. The multi-application platform will provide active perception, behavior monitoring, path tracing, fall detection and other THC-based functions. The project focuses on physical interactive design devices rather than virtual/digitalized interaction. Therefore, houseware in elderly home were used as interactive devices. They include “motion sensing carpet”, “interactive flower vase”, “interactive case”, “interactive speaker”, and “interactive photo frame”. System development, user evaluation and commercialization are expected to take three years.Keywords:elderly, interactive design, parametric design, generation communication, interactive multi-application platform