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中文摘要 本研究的目的在從教學者的觀點分析導入數位學習於高齡學習課程設計的注意事項,並剖析高齡者數位學習教材的課程內容選擇與介面設計議題。本研究採用質性研究之訪談法,受訪對象為五位在高齡教育機構任教電腦課程的講師。本研究結果發現高齡者的數位學習教材較適合做為輔助學習的形式,而課程內容要生活化,其中以溝通、健康與旅遊類的知識最受到高齡者的歡迎;課程之介面設計則要力求簡單,圖形與文字要清楚且操作步驟不要太多;此外,由於高齡者對於行動載具接受度高,因此數位課程的呈現載具可朝平板電腦與智慧型手機平台發展,並能以App的型態來下載。根據研究之主要發現,本文提出建議作為高齡教育工作者在設計數位學習課程之參考。
賴弘基(2016)。 高齡者數位學習課程設計:教學者觀點之分析。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(3), 367-376。
E-learning course design for older adults: Analysis of instructors’ perspectives
Lai, H.-J.
English Abstract This study aims to understand the important elements in the design of e-leaning courses for older adults. It also seeks to identify and analyze the content selection and interface design issues for e-learning courses. The study employed a qualitative approach. In-depth interviews were used to collect research data; the interviewees were five instructors from senior education institutes in Taiwan. Research results revealed that e-learning courses can be an effective alternative to classroom lessons for learning by older adults. It was found that older adults preferred courses related to communication, health and travelling, all of which are subjects relevant to their needs. Ease of learning and use were found to be critical component of the interface design; graphics and text should be clear and navigation must be effortless. In addition, due to the high acceptance rate of mobile device among older adults, e-learning courses can be developed for the tablet and smartphone platforms. Apps can be downloaded to learners’ mobile devices. Based on the results of the study, suggestions are provided for instructors and practitioners while developing e-learning courses for older adults.Keywords:older adults, e-learning, instructional design