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中文摘要 本研究以南投地區國民中學中高齡教師為研究對象,旨在探討退休與前瞻因應(proactive coping)的關係。本研究目的:(1)了解中高齡教師對於退休規劃的期望目標;(2)分析中高齡教師對於退休規劃準備狀態;(3)根據研究所得,提出具體建議,以供成人教育者、教育工作者、社會工作者等,作為輔導中高齡的生涯規劃及終身學習之參考,並對Aspinwall與Taylor等人所提出的前瞻因應的概念及中高齡教師一生的生命歷程有更進一步的認識。研究方法採質性研究法,依據魏惠娟教授所編著出版的樂齡生涯學習書中之樂齡生涯目標探索評估表及「前瞻因應起始能力評估表」為主要研究工具,以調查評估表蒐集資料,兼採訪談法(questionnaire and interviewing),及半結構式訪談指引進行資料。最後,本研究論述此項發現在中高齡教師「前瞻因應」(proactive coping)的生涯規劃上的發展意涵,並對後續研究提出建議。
蔡妍妮(2016)。 中高齡退休者的前瞻因應能力與活躍老化之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(3), 377-388。
Research about proactive coping and active aging of the retired elderly
Tsai, Y.-N.
English Abstract This study recruited elderly junior high school teachers in Nantou area, and was designed to investigate the relationship between retirement and proactive coping. The purposes of this study were to: (1) understand the retirement planning for desired target of the elderly teacher; (2) understand elderly teachers' retirement planning readiness; (3) concrete proposals for adult education, educators, social workers, senior citizens as counseling and career planning reference lifelong learning. Prospects proposed in response to the concept of the life course and life of elderly teachers have a better understanding. We used a qualitative research method, and “the forward-looking response to the initial capacity assessment table” was the main research tool to investigate the evaluation form to collect information and adopt the interviews (questionnaire and interviewing) with semi-structured interview guidelines available. The study discussed the finding in elderly teachers' ability to forward-looking response to the development of meaning (proactive coping) on career planning, and make recommendations for future research.Keywords:retirement, elderly, proactive coping, active aging