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中文摘要 全球人口正快速地高齡化。中國大陸60歲以上高齡人口超過2億,堪稱全球「老人第一多」;而日本則是世界高齡化程度最高的國家,其老人比例堪稱全球最多。在亞洲,除日本以外,就屬台灣與韓國之高齡化程度最為快速;韓國與台灣的文化歷史背景、經濟發展過程都十分相似,且高齡化程度非常接近。過去台灣有不少文獻探討日本因應高齡化社會所提出或實施之相關策略,但對於中國大陸與韓國高齡化領域之研究文獻則較少,因此本研究以中國大陸與韓國作為研究對象,探討它們因應人口高齡化在網路傳播之現況,以了解其面臨高齡化社會在網路方面所提供的各種資源及服務,研究發現舉凡飲食、服飾、居家服務、交通、網路購物、教育、新聞報社、旅遊與休閒、交友與徵婚、法律支援與保護、保險及津貼、退休、再就業與志工、學術研究、政府資源等,都有以高齡者為目標族群或與高齡相關之網站。中國大陸方面,專為高齡者設計服飾之網路商家、老年大學相關教育機構、線上學習課程數及影片時數、老年報社等,為數眾多。韓國方面,因應嚴重的老人受虐問題,廣設老人保護機構,並利用網路宣導相關訊息;長照保險制度日益完善,有專屬網站提供詳細相關資訊;政府積極投入資源協助高齡者再就業,許多網站提供求職服務。這些結果將可做為台灣未來為提昇老人福祉、建造高齡者網站之參考與比較。
張慧敏、陸清達、王玲玲(2016)。 中國大陸與韓國之高齡者網站內容現況。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(3), 389-400。
Content Study of Ageing Websites in China and Korea
Chang, H.-M, Lu, C.-T., Wang, L.-L
English Abstract Populations around the world are rapidly ageing. In China, the number of people aged over 60 has reached 200 million, the largest elderly population in the world. Japan has the highest proportion of elders in the world. Taiwan and Korea have the second-highest populations of elderly people in Asia, as well as rapidly growing populations of older persons. Their cultural and historical background and the process of economic development are very similar. Much research has been conducted in Taiwan on population ageing in Japan. However, research in Taiwan on ageing in China and Korea is scant. Therefore, this paper aims to study the current content of websites in China and Korea that are targeted at seniors. The results show that there are many websites dedicated to providing services for the elderly in daily living activities, care and support, etc. In China, there are many online clothing stores specifically for the elderly, senior online courses, newspapers for seniors, etc. In Korea, agencies work to protect elders from abuse, and long-term care insurance and support for re-employment of the elderly, etc. are actively developed. The research results can be used as a reference for Taiwan to develop websites and services aimed at improving the well-being of older adultsKeywords:ageing population in China, ageing population in Korea, websites for seniors