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中文摘要 人口老化是全球的趨勢。由於歐洲國家因應人口高齡化的時間,相較於台灣,較為長久,其政府或企業團體已為高齡社會建立較為完整的制度與因應措施,且政府、企業及民間團體等已專為高齡族群建置許多相關網站。因此本研究選擇歐洲作為研究對象,針對歐洲國家專為高齡者設計或與高齡社會相關之網站,採用網站內容分析法,探討歐洲國家因應人口高齡化在網路傳播之現況,以了解歐洲國家面臨高齡社會在網路方面所提供的各種資源及服務。研究結果發現,歐洲以高齡者為目標族群之網站,提供各種多元的服務,在居家服務、高齡運動組織及阿茲海默症醫療服務等方面尤其完善。這些結果將可做為未來我國政府、企業及民間團體等為提昇老人福祉及建置相關網站之重要參考。
黎芮晴、陸清達、王玲玲(2016)。 歐洲國家高齡者網站內容現況。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(3), 401-416。
Review of Websites for Elderly in Europe
Li, R.-C., Lu, C.-T, Wang, L.-L.
English Abstract Ageing is a global trend. In comparison with Taiwan, the developed countries in Europe have spent more years moving from “ageing society” to “aged society”. Hence they have many websites with rich content for seniors. This paper aims to study their resources and services for an ageing population by browsing the websites and analyzing their content. The review found that Europe has many informative websites targeting the elderly, with services and content for home-related assistance, sports, and care for age-related health conditions such as Alzheimer's. The research results can be used as reference points for Taiwan to promote elderly welfare and website design for seniors.Keywords:ageing population in Europe, websites for seniors, internet communication, elderly welfare