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中文摘要 隨著高齡化社會的來臨,樂齡族參加旅遊的需求有增加的趨勢。高齡者可藉由體驗式生態旅遊,對生理、心理與人際關係達到正面的幫助,本研究主要根據樂齡族進行生態旅遊的未來性與前瞻性之研究課題為主,進而探討樂齡族在生態旅遊中所想要的、與期待的情境氛圍,並以體驗式觀點與情感導向,試圖將互動科技帶入生態旅遊,規劃一個兼具生態知識傳達與體驗休閒目的且寓教於樂又具趣味性的互動情境設計,進一步達到樂齡族快樂而忘了年齡之目的。研究執行以文獻及相關研究分析,觀察樂齡族參與生態旅遊的外在行為與場域篩選;以參與式工作坊調查樂齡族內在想法與情感,總結後進行體驗的需求歸納;以情境設計方法及情境故事法進行互動體驗情境概念;並接續前階段結果進行原型製作與實際場域情境模擬與訪談,彙整結果後擬定情境設計流程,最後得出研究結論與建議以提供後續相關研究之參考。研究成果顯示:(1)當生理及環境因素皆達到滿足條件時,要提升樂齡族進行生態旅遊的正面體驗,需加入包含情感與故事內容兩個面向的體驗因素及適當的科技媒介;(2)根據體驗需求調查結果,提出「隨意停智慧生態五感體驗App」,帶領樂齡族進行休閒與知識兼具的體驗;(3)於實際場域情境模擬測試結果後,提出修正建議,提出情境設計流程,提供更為完整的體驗情境設計程序。
盧麗淑、何于凡(2016)。 以體驗觀點探討樂齡族生態旅遊互動情境設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(3), 431-446。
Experience-inclusive Interactive Scenario Design for Eco-tours for Active-ageing Elders
Lu, L.-S., Ho, Y.-F.
English Abstract With the advent of an ageing society, active-ageing elderly tourists have grown in number. Experiential ecotourism can help such tourists improve their physiological and psychological health, as well as enhance their interpersonal relationships. This study aims to design educational and interesting interactive scenarios that incorporate both knowledge and leisure by examining how an experiential perspective and emotional factors can integrate with interactive technology for use in eco-tours for active-ageing elderly. A literature review was followed by field observation of active-ageing elderly on eco-tours. Next, the active-ageing elderly tourists’ thoughts and emotions were gathered at workshops. Scenarios for interactive experiential concepts were designed, prototyped and simulated in the field. A design process was then developed with input from interviews with active-aging elderly. Three main findings from the study are: (1) When the physiological and environmental factors have been satisfied, experiential factors (emotions and content) and the right technology are needed to enhance the positive experience; (2) The proposed design “Sui-Yi-Ting Smart Five Senses Experience App” helps provides active-aging elderly with knowledge and leisure; (3) Future research should focus on improving the scenario design process.Keywords:service experience, active ageing, ecotourism, interactive scenario design