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中文摘要 近年臺灣老年人口退休生活規劃,以「觀光旅遊」居於首位,且因旅遊型態轉為從事文化體驗活動,國內許多傳統產業紛紛轉型為具體驗價值的觀光工廠,如何在滿足老年人口旅遊需求的同時,又能讓觀光工廠永續經營,造就雙贏局面,實要仰賴相關產業多花心思。本研究主要探討「中高齡遊客對觀光工廠體驗行銷之認同感」,針對南投地區較富盛名的觀光工廠-臺灣麻糬主題館之45歲以上遊客進行問卷調查。本研究調查結果發現:(1)大部分的中高齡遊客認同觀光工廠體驗行銷策略的運用;(2)中高齡遊客對感官體驗中之「味覺」能留下較深刻的印象;(3)觀光工廠所提供的優良服務品質與氛圍能滿足中高齡遊客情感上的需求;(4)中高齡遊客認同觀光工廠所提供的多樣化產品種類;(5)中高齡遊客認為透過行動體驗能增加其在生活中添購該品牌產品的購買意願;(6)中高齡遊客認同參訪觀光工廠能提供自己與家人或朋友相處的機會,促進彼此良好的互動。
*劉恩瑜、陳欣蘭(2016)。 中高齡遊客對觀光工廠「臺灣麻糬主題館」體驗行銷運用認同感之探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(4), 521-532。
Middle-aged and Elderly Tourists’ Identity Sense of Experimental Marketing Strategy Applied in Tourism Factory“Taiwan Mochi Museum”
*Liu, E.-Y., Chen, H.-L.
English Abstract As the number of elderly people in Taiwan increases year by year, meeting the needs of elderly people has created a growing market for many industries. Among all the plans for retirement living, sightseeing is the first choice for many retirees. In Taiwan, many traditional industries have transformed their factories into tourist attractions. Such a form of tourism needs to not only satisfy the needs of elderly tourists but also benefit participating factories. This study aims to discover middle-aged and elderly tourists’ sense of identity of experimental marketing strategies used by tourist attraction factories. A survey was conducted of visitors aged 45 and above at a popular tourist attraction factory in Nantou area: Taiwan Mochi Museum. Data from 114 valid questionnaire returns was analyzed and the results are as follows: (1) Most middle-aged and elderly tourists agreed with the experimental marketing strategies; (2) Those activities involving tasting gave better impressions; (3) The high service quality and great atmosphere met emotional needs of respondents; (4) Middle-aged and elderly tourists appreciated the variety of products; (5) Experiencing activities stimulated the desire to purchase products; (6) Visiting tourist attraction factories offered more opportunities for family members or friends to get together.Keywords:Experimental marketing strategies, tourism factory, middle-aged and elderly tourists