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中文摘要 臨床上因疾病治療需要或身體功能喪失,導致必須放置存留導尿管之患者為數不少。從實務工作中觀察發現,許多留置導尿管的患者下床使用輪椅時,缺乏適當位置可放置尿袋。除了容易導致尿液逆流造成泌尿道感染的風險外,也使得患者不願下床活動,故引發本創新設計動機。本創新設計「輪椅專用尿管掛帶」是使用安全帶材質並結合魔鬼氈及環扣之設計,具有質輕方便攜帶、拆卸容易操作簡便與不佔空間好收納的優勢。使用時可依輪椅座面寬度大小調節適合之長度、同時還具有能附加於輪椅隨輪椅收納不需拆下的好處,尤其本產品確保尿管尿袋位置合宜、坐於其上無異物感、能降低尿袋破損率及泌尿道感染之風險為本創新的發展潛力。但需藉由工作人員或照顧者執行裝卸,無法由病患本人自行操作為現階段之限制。未來若推廣應用於臨床實務工作中,將能落實提升管路安全,降低泌尿道感染機率,提升患者生活品質。
*車慧蓮、蔡雅婷、陳安宇、王亞蕾、王瀅鈞(2016)。 創新產品:輪椅專用尿管掛帶。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(4), 533-540。
Indwelling Catheter Strap for Wheelchairs
*Che, H.-L., Tsai, Y.-T., Chen, A.-Y., Wang, Y.-L., Wang, Y.-C.
English Abstract A large number of patients require indwelling catheters owing to loss of urinary function or clinical treatment. Observations in clinical practice revealed that patients with such catheters lack an appropriate location to place the catheters when using wheelchairs. In addition to the increased likelihood of urine reflux, thus resulting in the risk of urinary tract infections, the lack of ability to secure the catheters also made patients unwilling to leave their beds. These reasons were the motive for our innovation of a catheter strap for wheelchairs. The catheter strap uses safety strap material, Velcro and buckles. It is light, portable, easily removable, occupies little space, and convenient to store. During use, its length can be adjusted to suit the width of the wheelchair, and it can be stored away with the wheelchair without having to be removed. In particular, this strap ensures that the catheter is placed at an appropriate location, and that sitting on it does not cause discomfort. It also reduces the risk of urinary tract infection and damage to the urinary drainage bag. Therefore, this product has significant development potential. However, at this stage, it has to be removed by staff or caregivers, and cannot be operated by the patients themselves. If this product is used extensively in clinical practice in the future, its implementation can improve indwelling catheter safety, reduce the risk of urinary tract infection, and enhance patients’ quality of life.Keywords:indwelling catheter, urinary tract infection, wheelchair, catheter strap