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中文摘要 國內家庭結構的改變,國人平均餘命不斷提高,慢性病與功能障礙的盛行率亦急遽上升,使得照護需求大增。在有限的專業照護人力資源下,如何利用資訊系統整合提供長照機構照護人員依其需求進行適合的照護作業,以提升住民照護品質,是值得探討的議題。本研究以博鈞ECare專業照護管理系統為例,採用「服務體驗工程」理論架構在服務價值鏈研究階段的「服務塑模」。透過服務體驗脈絡洞察法,在長照機構護理人員及社工使用ECare專業照護管理系統的實際工作場域中,對於活動、環境、互動、物件與使用者等構面進行研究。利用觀察、訪談及與研究對象互動,針對ECare專業照護管理系統使用,建構彙整行為模型,分析使用者行為模式及潛在需求。再運用親和圖法加以統整收斂,找出隱藏的服務需求,協助開創服務新契機。研究結果如下:(1)使用ECare專業照護管理系統時,會遭遇到智慧型行動裝置使用、系統操作、系統設計、個人因素、他人影響與外在因素等問題;(2)ECare專業照護管理系統服務需求及契機包含「系統功能改善與作業項目增加」、「使用者自我調適與強化資訊能力」、「機構經營者的重視與投資」、「企業招募專業人力與共同開發合作」、「政府政策指標統一與整合系統開發商」,可做為未來後續服務設計的主要依據。
蕭文伶、*陳聰堅、段伴虬(2016)。 服務體驗工程法於長照機構專業照護管理系統之服務需求研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(4), 469-482。
The Service Requirement Study of Professional Care Management System for Long-Term Care Institutions by the Service Experience Engineering
Shiao, W.-L., Chen, T.-C., Tuan, P.-C.
English Abstract Changes in domestic family structure, increased life expectancy, and prevalence of chronic diseases and dysfunction have led to a concomitant increase in care needs. This study examines the use of the ECare management system as a service by long-term care institutions using “Service Experience Engineering” theory and “Innovation Net” stage service modeling through contextual inquiry. Data was gathered from the subject service users, observation, and interactive interviews through the five dimensions (activities, environments, interactions, objects, users). For the ECare management system, an aggregate behavior model was constructed to analyze user behavior and potential needs. An affinity diagram was used to discover hidden service needs that could be useful to the creation of new service opportunities. The results of the study are: (1) ECare management system users encountered smart mobile devices, operating systems, system design, personal factors, the influence of others, and external factors; (2) A basis for future service design can be formed by i) aggregating ECare management system service demand, ii) improving system functionality and increasing job project, iii) user self-adjustment and strengthening of information capabilities, iv) investments in long-term care institutions, v) recruitment of professionals for industry cooperation and common development, and vi) unification of government policy with system developers’ efforts.Keywords:service experience engineering, ECare management system, contextual inquiry, affinity diagram