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中文摘要 現今全球已漸漸邁入高齡化及慢性病普及化的社會型態,但依目前的醫療照護模式,尚有很大的成長空間。未來必須改變以往以「看病」的使用者中心思維,轉為以「病人」為中心的照護模式,方能因應未來社會的需要。本研究著力於「智能家庭健康終端」產品設計與驗證,期望建立以糖尿病、心臟血管疾病患者為主之健康量測系統,並結合線上諮詢、線上掛號等雲端功能服務,強化疾病的個案追蹤、管理與評估,提供有效的預防保健、健康管理等照護,為慢性病患打造全方位的照護網,達到及早發現、即時治療等有效控制慢性病的目標。
*張佳琪、張群昇(2016)。 多功能之「智能家庭健康終端」產品設計與驗證。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 4(4), 541-554。
Design and Testing of All-in-one Smart Home Doctor Monitoring Devices
*Chang, C.-C., Chang, C.-S.
English Abstract Worldwide, populations are aging and the number of chronic diseases has increased. These factors have prompted calls for improvements in medical care and services. In addition, health care facilities are becoming more and more important than curing the disease. The purpose of the current study is to develop an all-in-one Smart Home Doctor Monitoring Devices for people with DM and CVA in collaboration with Health Mega Inno. The system combines Web consultation, online registration and cloud function in order to enhance patient monitoring, management and evaluation as well as the provision of preventive health management. The aim is to create a comprehensive care network in order to achieve early detection and treatment and control chronic diseases.Keywords:chronic disease, internet medical service, all-in-one health monitoring system, design thinking, user experience