Lena Gan
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中文摘要 這篇短文綜合介紹了過去文獻結果,也是一個研究藝文機構對合齡社會影響潛能研究計畫的一部份。這項研究計畫旨在透過一個跨學科的研究團隊,利用藝術、歷史、考古學、策展、老年學、社會政策、教育、設計、建築、城市規劃、社會歷史和社區發展等專業知識,充實對老齡相關問題的了解。
Lena Gan(2017)。 人口老化是社會變遷的催化劑:藝文機構相關文獻回顧。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(1), 1-8。
Population ageing as catalyst for social change - The case of cultural institutions - A literature review
Lena Gan
English Abstract This short article presents the findings of a literature review, part of a pilot research project examining the potential of cultural institutions to facilitate age-integrated societies. This research aims to address the gap in knowledge around older people with an interdisciplinary research team incorporating expertise in arts, history, archaeology, curation, gerontology, social policy, education, design, architecture, urban planning, social history and community development.Keywords:cultural institution, museum, ageing