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中文摘要 由於台灣輔具科技的日新月異,增加了台灣輔具使用的普遍性與使用率。同時藉由各種輔具的幫助,台灣高齡行動障礙者開始可以獨立自主的生活或是踏出家門去享受他們原先未失能前所享受之戶外休閒活動。但是,即使輔具如此普及的今天,大多數新竹地區的高齡行動障礙者依然選擇待在家中,他們認為自己的體力、聽力、視力、反應能力和其他身體機能都隨年齡的增加而降低,再也無法像年輕時一樣隨心所欲的從事日常活動,這樣的想法導致高齡行動障礙者的生活品質和生活滿意度隨著年齡增加而下降。然而根據相關研究資料指出,適當的休閒活動可以提升高齡行動障礙者的生活品質,更能促進身心靈健康,所以本研究自104年2月1日至104年6月30日止,完成120份有效之面訪式問卷調查。調查結果顯示,「環境是否安全」是大多數受訪者認為高齡行動障礙者是否願意外出旅遊最主要考量的因素,其次為「是否有高齡友善之無障礙環境」與「高齡行動障礙者的身體健康狀況」。
簡鴻儒(2017)。 新竹縣竹北市高齡行動障礙者無障礙旅行之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(1), 9-20。
Improving No-Barrier Travel for the Elderly in Chubei City, Hsinchu
Chien, H.-J.
English Abstract Modern assistive technology has increased in popularity and usage in Taiwan, helping mobility-impaired elderly persons live independently, participate in enjoy outdoor leisure activities, and so on. Even though such technology is widely available in Hsinchu County, a majority of senior mobility-impaired adults there choose to stay home because of their now diminished bodily functions (physical strength, hearing, vision, reaction ability, etc.). This has lowered their quality of life and life satisfaction. A questionnaire survey was conducted involving mobility-impaired elderly persons living in Chubei City, Hsinchu County between 1st February 2015 and 30th June 2015; a total 120 valid returns was received. The survey results revealed that the majority of respondents indicated “safety of environment” as the main factor for their willingness to venture outside their homes, followed by “availability of elderly-friendly access” and “personal health status”.Keywords:ageing in place, senior adult, no-barrier travel