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中文摘要 根據內政部統計處的資料,至2015年底,65歲以上老年人口數有293萬8,579人,已超過總人口之八分之一(12.5%),且持續上升中。隨著醫療科技的進步及注重養生的概念,許多研究發現高齡者的旅遊動機,越來越多旅遊以促進健康及醫療美容為訴求。日本眾多的銀髮商機中,旅行業是最大的受益者。根據日本前三大廣告公司之一的ADK(Asatsu-DK)在2015年的研究指出,高齡者是最有錢、又最閒的一群黃金消費者。根據調查,每位高齡者平均有2,000萬日圓(約600萬台幣)積蓄,同時每月有年金可領。此外,高齡者每週所擁有的休閒時間亦居於各年齡層之首,超過8.5小時。因此,幫這些有錢又有閒的高齡者消磨時間的「放鬆系商機」趁勢崛起,其中又以旅遊商機的市場最大。然而,高齡者在參與休閒活動或旅遊時,遭遇各種阻礙的因素,導致個人不願或不能參與活動,或造成無法從活動中獲得滿足、愉悅及放鬆的休閒體驗。常見的影響阻撓因素,包括:時間、性別角色、收入、健康、居住地與生命週期等。我國政府於2013年啟動全國高齡友善城市計畫,約有260萬高齡長輩,受惠於各縣市推動的多元敬老措施。例如苗栗行動式老人文康休閒巡迴專車、台中市祖孫三代上學、奉茶感恩活動、嘉義市銀髮友善餐廳、台南市政府與中華民國老人福利推動聯盟合辦「台南友善老人環境總體檢」。近期,交通部觀光局2016年推動「老友愛旅行」銀髪族旅遊專案活動,用旅遊線之概念、通用設計之手法,建置全臺13個國家風景區成為適合銀髮族的旅遊環境,並輔導旅行社推出銀髪族旅遊產品,提供銀髪族更多元之休閒旅遊機會。有鑑於此議題在高齡化社會的重要性,本研究將針對高齡友善的意涵、相關概念與台灣、他國推動情形等進行探討,並聚焦於高齡休閒旅遊的友善議題。
劉宜君、陳啟清(2017)。 高齡友善的休閒旅遊之探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(1), 23-34。
Research on age-friendly leisure tourism
Liu, I.-C.、Chen, C.-C.、
English Abstract In recent years, many countries have been making efforts to build an age-friendly environment to
encourage older adults to actively participate in social activities for physical and mental health as well as the quality of life. Unfortunately, many older adults face various obstacles and unfavorable factors when going on a tour or participating in other leisure activities. As a result, individuals are either unwilling or unable to participate, or unable to derive satisfaction, pleasure, and a relaxed leisure experience from participation in these activities. Common obstacles include time, gender-based issues, income, health status, place of residence, and life cycle stage. This study focuses on the implications and related concepts of being age-friendly, as well as efforts to promote age-friendly environment in Taiwan and other countries. Information on the relevant literature, including age-friendly city guidelines published by the World Health Organization (WHO), is compiled and reviewed with the focus on suitable, favorable leisure activities for older adults. Finally, based on the findings of the study, policy recommendations are made for the implementation of age-friendly leisure tourism.Keywords:age -friendly, tourism, leisure activities