鄭智銘 許明信 黃秋美 陳麗娟
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中文摘要 國民健康局孕產婦雲端關懷服務以孕產婦身心關懷中心為核心,整合公部門資源、孕產專家顧問意見、孕產相關學會知識、孕產婦諮詢問答等孕產資源,藉由雲端關懷服務管道(孕產婦諮詢專線與諮詢信箱、孕產婦關懷網站、孕產衛教單張)滿足孕產婦於醫療健康、居家生活、社會關懷等層面的服務需求。孕產婦關懷諮詢專線提供每年近 18,000 的服務量,孕產婦關懷網站自 101年 9 月 5 日上線至今已達到 795,249 的瀏覽量與 119,226 的訪客數。孕產婦身心關懷中心未來將規劃適合智慧手機使用者的使用情境,貼近新世代孕產婦的服務需求。
鄭智銘, 許明信, 黃秋美, 陳麗娟(2013)。 國民健康局孕產婦雲端關懷服務。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(2), 81-88。
Physical and Mental Support Services Utilizing Telecare Technologies for Pregnancy Women in Taiwan
Cheng, C.-M., Hsu, M.-S., Huang, C.-M., Chen, L.-C.
English Abstract Providing physical and mental support services for pregnant women, a national project funded by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, R.O.C. (Taiwan), served about 18,000 phone users and 200,000 website visitors in the 12 months beginning April, 2011. The support center integrated information and knowledge from government institutions, medical societies, and a knowledge database to provide telecare services such as on-line consultations, websites, and brochures. According to a customer survey, the number of mobile device users is expected to grow.Keywords:pregnancy, telecare, Bureau of Health Promotion