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中文摘要 本研究旨在評估自行開發之創新體感遊戲健康促進系統導入長照機構系統運作之服務模式,進而發掘使用者需求與服務缺口,以利後續服務模式修正改良之參考依據。本研究採用服務體驗工程方法理論架構,從使用者觀點實施服務體驗脈絡洞察,彙整出互動、序列、工具器物、文化與實體等五大行為模型,並透過分析此五大模型綜整出體感遊戲健康促進系統之服務需求,再以親和圖歸納出五大項長照機構使用此系統之服務需求及契機:(1)活動空間要寬敞;(2)體感遊戲困難度客製化;(3)安排專人協助操作;(4)營造機構溫馨融洽氣氛;(5)積極爭取預算補助。最後再以心智圖呈現使用者需求項目間之關聯性。本研究除探討使用者體驗感受本質,並檢視及修正服務遞送模式外,期望提供明確有效的服務遞送模型予後續相關機構導入類似科技設備時之參考。
李信幸、黃郁芯、裴駿(2017)。 精障長照機構導入創新體感遊戲健康促進系統之服務體驗洞察。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(1), 35-46。
Application of Contextual Inquiry of Service Experience Engineering
Lee, H.-H., Huang Y.-H., Pei C.
English Abstract In this study, an exergame health-promoting system was implemented at a long-term care institution of patients with mental disorders. Through an evaluation of benefits of the system to institution residents and an examination of the system’s service model, users’ demands and the model limitations were identified, serving as a paradigm for follow-up improvements of similar service models. The contextual inquiry of service experience engineering (SEE) was adopted to analyze the user-centered data of user service experiences regarding the exergame system. Five consolidated SEE models – flow model, cultural model, sequence model, artifact model, and physical model – were used to analyze the inadequacies of the current exergame service model. The potential users’ demands were summarized and an affinity diagram was applied to propose the following suggestions for improving the innovative service model of the exergame system: (1) sufficient space at activity area; (2) personalization of the difficulty of exergames; (3) a full-time staff member to assist in system operation and service delivery; (4) creating a pleasant atmosphere in the institution; (5) seeking budget subsidies actively. Mind mapping was also adopted to illustrate the relevance of those potential users’ demands that did not show up in the affinity diagram. In summary, this study discussed user service experiences regarding an exergame system implemented at a long-term care institution of patients with mental disorders. The system service delivery model was examined by the contextual inquiry of SEE and mind mapping methods. The results can serve as a guideline for related institutions that intend to implement similar exergame systems.Keywords:service experience engineering, contextual inquiry, exergame, mental disorder