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中文摘要 本研究藉由調查台中市共11區開設之長青學苑學生發送問卷,探討中高齡學生的學習需求與學習滿意度。研究採用問卷調查法的方式,以104年度台中市長青學苑學生為研究對象,有效樣本為325份,根據填答的問卷內容以SPSS 22.0 for windows 統計軟體進行資料分析。歸納研究結果發現如下(1)台中市長青學苑學員的社會人口特徵明顯以65歲以上、教育程度在國中程度以下、已婚之女性為主體;(2)中高齡者在整體學習需求方面具有中上程度的需求情形,其中以「健康知識」及「人際關係」之需求最高,「自我實現」的學習需求為最低;(3)中高齡者在整體學習滿意度方面呈現極高度的滿意情形,其中以「教師教學」之滿意度為最高,「行政支援」為最低;(4)年紀較長的高齡學習者對於生活知能、休閒娛樂等方面較不感興趣;(5)中高齡者學習者中喪偶者其學習需求較不若離婚者活躍。本研究針對研究結果提出以下建議:(1)課程之開設建議應多考量受教者之需求及課程開設之多元性,以增加服務之對象與族群;(2)可簡化行政流程並培訓志工主動提供服務;(3)因中高齡者重視社交活動,故建議高齡教育機構可多辦理活動活絡學習者間的關係,也有助於提升其學習動機。
劉玉玲、陳嬿羽(2017)。 台中市長青學苑中高齡學生學習需求及度滿意調查研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(1), 61-70。
Learning Needs and Satisfaction of Middle-Aged and Elderly Students at Taichung Evergreen Academy
Liu, Y.-L., Chen, Y.-Y.
English Abstract Recently, along with the fast growth of the elderly population, education opportunities for senior learners have risen vigorously. This study explored the learning needs and learning satisfaction of middle-aged and elderly students at Evergreen Academy in Taichung City. Senior learners from the 104th academic year in 11 districts were recruited as subjects. A total of 325 valid questionnaires were collected and examined. Statistical software SPSS 22.0 for Windows was utilized for data analysis. The five main findings are: (1) the majority of those surveyed were over 65 years old; their average level of education was junior high school; and most of the students were married females; (2) the degree of the average learning needs was medium high; health knowledge and interpersonal relationship were the most popular, and self-fulfillment was the least popular; (3) regarding learning satisfaction, the average satisfaction rate was extremely high; the instructors’ teaching was the most important satisfaction factor, and administrative support was the lowest; (4) the older the subject, the lower the interest in living competence and leisure entertainment; (5) widows and widowers were not as active as divorcees when it came to learning needs. This study hence suggests: (1) the curriculum of Evergreen Academy should be tailor-made and diversified to better serve more senior students; (2) the administrative procedure should be simplified and more volunteers and services should be provided; (3) since middle-aged and elderly students pay much attention to social contacts, educational agencies should sponsor more activities to motivate and vitalize senior learners.Keywords:middle-aged and elderly students, learning needs, learning satisfaction, Evergreen Academy