陳睿俊、陳勃仲、 張哲輔、林清壽、李菀雯
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中文摘要 衛生福利部國民健康署對於40歲以上成人推出各項免費健康檢查方案,達到預防保健目的,然而中高齡健檢參與率一直在30%以下,並未普及,為促進中高齡者能積極參與定期健康檢查,必須先了解影響中高齡者參與定期健康檢查行為意向的因素。因此本研究目的結合計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior, TPB)與先前經驗之知覺價值,並增加「之前健檢經驗」構面,建構中高齡者參與定期健康檢查行為意向的研究架構。本研究以桃園市45歲以上中高齡者為研究對象,透過問卷調查方法來探討影響中高齡者參與定期健康檢查行為意向的因素。研究結果發現,中高齡者於各構面敘述統計分析中,僅對「之前健檢經驗」構面的認同程度未達滿意程度。而中高齡者參與定期健康檢查的「行為態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」及「之前健檢經驗」,隨著健康狀況愈好與健檢頻率愈高,則認同程度愈高。此外,多元迴歸分析結果顯示「行為態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」及「之前健檢經驗」皆會正向影響中高齡者參與定期健康檢查的行為意向,其中以「知覺行為控制」的影響最高,及「之前健檢經驗」的影響次之。
陳睿俊、陳勃仲、 張哲輔、林清壽、李菀雯(2017)。 影響中高齡者參與定期健康檢查行為意向之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(1), 47-60。
A Study on Factors Influencing the Intention of Engaging in Regular Health Checks Among Middle-aged and Older People
Chen, J.-C., Chen, P.-C., Chang, C.-F., *Lin, C.-S., Lee, W.-W.
English Abstract Prevention is better than treatment. Together, early screening for disease, early detection and early treatment achieve the purpose of preventive health care. Such preventive care not only can save medical resources but also can promote quality of life. Preventive care starts with a health check. The health examination rate for the elderly was below 30% in Taiwan. The promotion of active participation in health examination requires a clear understanding of the factors that affect elderly persons’ intention to have regular health examinations. This study investigates the effect of these factors. Its research framework for this study was derived by combining Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and previous experience of perceived value. Study subjects were persons aged above 45 in Taoyuan City whose input were gathered via a questionnaire. The results found that elderly people in various facets descriptive statistics analysis, the degree of prior health check experience was less satisfied. Difference analysis showed that respondents who had participated in regular health checks and had Prior health check experience had a higher degree of agreement. In recognition of the degree of attitude, prior health check experience, better health respondents have the higher level of acceptance. Also, the higher the frequency of health check, the higher the level of acceptance among the elderly of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and prior health check experience. Multiple regression analysis showed that attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and prior health check experience positively affected the behavior intention of elderly person who had regular health checks; the impact of perceived behavioral control was the most and prior health check experience had less impact than perceived behavioral control.Keywords:periodic health examination, theory of planned behavior, prior health check experience