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中文摘要 南投縣政府於2013年根據世界衛生組織(WHO)於2007年提出的「高齡友善城市指標」,規劃高齡友善商店認證計畫。本研究探討南投縣旅宿業導入高齡友善商店認證計畫所需作為,經由量化分析後,提供未導入高齡友善認證之旅宿業參考。透過文獻探討,訂定初步關鍵因素,再運用修正式德菲法專家問卷,確認南投縣高齡友善旅宿業規劃之主要及次要關鍵因素以及繪製關鍵因素心智圖。接續運用決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)探討關鍵因素間之關聯度與影響度,並以分析層級程序法(AHP)計算次要關鍵因素之權重及排序。結果顯示,經文獻探討並由17位專家確認後,本研究共產生4項主要關鍵因素及18項次要關鍵因素。經DEMATEL分析獲得「安全環境」為最主要影響其他因素之關鍵因素;「服務品質」則是最易被其他因素所影響之關鍵因素。由AHP顯示在「服務品質」構面中,「優先並限時完成高齡者服務」最重要;「安全環境」構面中,「防滑設施」最重要;在「養生餐飲」構面中,「三少烹調方式」最重要;在「樂齡活動」構面中,「接駁及旅遊資訊」最重要。以上結果經由整理與歸納之後,以心智圖(mind map)呈現本研究之心智決策模式。
周漢興、劉芬、張東仁、裴駿(2017)。 南投縣高齡友善旅宿業規劃決策之關鍵因素分析。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(2), 83-96。
A key factor mind mapping decision model for age-friendly hotel industry in Nantou county, Taiwan
Chou, H.-H., Liu, F., Chang, T.-J., Pei, C.
English Abstract To alleviate the impacts of an aging society, developing age-friendly cities has become an urgent agenda for governments around the world. The World Health Organization proposed a number of features of age-friendly cities in Global Age-friendly Cities: A Guide in 2007 that were based on eight aspects of aging societies. Based on these features, the Nantou County Government implemented a certification program for age-friendly tourism shops and hotels in 2013. This study investigated problems arising from the implementation of the certification program in Nantou County.
By literature review and expert questionnaire of modified Delphi method, a set of key factors (major and minor factors) was constructed and verified. Subsequently, the relevance and significance of the major factors were analyzed using the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method, and the weights of the minor factors were computed and sorted by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). After being extracted from a literature review and verified by 17 experts, four major factors and 18 minor factors were identified. The results of the DEMATEL analysis reveal that, “environment safety” is the pivotal major factor that influences all other major factors and “quality of service” is the major factor that is most susceptible to influence from other factors. The results of the AHP analysis indicate that in major factor “quality of service” facet, “providing prioritized and on-time service to the elderly” is the most critical factor; in “environment safety” facet, “nonslip facility” is the most critical factor; in “healthy diet” facet, “low fat, low sugar and low salt” diet is the most critical factor; and in “recreational activities for the elderly” facet, “transportation and tourist information” is the most critical factor. Based on these results, a mind mapping decision model of this study was completed and shown by a mind map.Keywords:age-friendly cities, mind mapping, modified Delphi method, DEMATEL, AHP