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中文摘要 高齡社會中,人口老化造成的肌力減退,及中風患者肢體偏癱、關節攣縮,會造成日常生活功能受限,尤其是上肢動作障礙影響更鉅,因而研發手部訓練產品顯得迫切。經探討液體加熱與電動原理、分析肌力訓練相關產品後,發現有活動範圍侷限、功能單一、危險性高等缺點,而本創新手套,有電動化、全面性運動訓練、促進血液循環等特色,但在成本、時間限制下,無法實際測試及產品產出,實為本創新限制,未來若經人體測試與廠商合作,期望可全面推廣,以提升中風患者或老人的生活品質。
林妏軒、林欣蓓、林佳慧、蔡碧藍(2017)。 大手拉小手─多功能復健手套。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(2), 157-164。
Multifunctional rehabilitation gloves
Lin, W.-H., Lin, H.-P., Lin, J.-H., *Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract Increasing hand muscle strength is critical as the population ages. Decreased hand muscle strength, hemiplegia (common in stroke patients) and joint contracture can cause inconvenience in daily life, especially in upper limb movement. After analyzing liquid heating, principles of electricity, and muscle training related products, we found those products to be singular in function. Moreover, they limit movement and can even be dangerous. On the other hand, multifunctional rehabilitation gloves are innovative, electrification, offer comprehensive movement training and improve blood circulation. In the future, after human subject experiments and cooperating with vendors, we hope to be able to promote rehabilitation gloves globally and improve quality of life for stroke patients and/or the elderly.Keywords:rehabilitation gloves, muscle power training, joint ROM rehabilitation, motorization