阮業春 王美崴 謝明臻
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中文摘要 老化及疾病使得高齡者產生平衡感衰退、重心不穩及容易跌倒等問題;手杖由於輕便且容易攜帶,故成為高齡者最常使用的行動輔具。現有手杖多採通用設計方式進行,透過訪談與實驗設計,以找出大眾化需求,再對手杖特性進行分析與設計。但現今產品應更強調與使用者每天生活及工作環境的匹配,否則很難得到使用者的青睞。本研究以長庚養生文化村為例,觀察並瞭解其高齡住民日常生活與行動輔具的使用情形,並利用「情境故事法」引導出長庚養生文化村住民對高齡者手杖的需求。接著採用「品質機能展開法」將高齡者手杖需求轉換成具體的技術規格,最後以紙雛型與原型測試方法,評估所發展之高齡者手杖對長庚養生文化村住民的適用性。
阮業春, 王美崴, 謝明臻(2013)。 應用情境故事法與品質機能展開法於高齡手杖客製化設計之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(3), 1-12。
Applying Scenario Approach and Quality Function Deployment to Custom Design of Elder Cane
Juan, Y.-C., Wang, M.-W., Sie, M.-J.
English Abstract Aging and diseases often cause problems related to equilibrium disorders and risk of falls for older adults. Canes have been the most frequently used walking assistance devices which the elderly use because they are light and portable. Most existing walking canes are developed using a universal design. In this study questionnaires, surveys, and experimental design have helped identify the common features of canes used by a wide variety of people. However, older adults prefer custom-designed canes rather than canes with only commonly used features; those custom-designed canes better suit the needs of their individual lifestyles and environments. This study was conducted at Chang Gung Health and Culture Village (CGHCV) where researchers initially observed the daily life and cane usage of the older adult residents. Second, scenarios were developed and used to identify the cane requirements of various types of people. Third, the identified requirements for walking canes were transformed into technical specifications by using quality function deployment (QFD) methods. Finally, a prototype of a uniquely designed cane was developed and then evaluated by CGHCV residents.Keywords:Elder cane, Custom design, Scenario design, Quality function deployment