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中文摘要 民國104年台灣人口老化速度達全球第一,其中有自理能力的高齡者高達八成四,國發會推估台灣將於107年進入高齡社會,但台灣目前尚無為高齡者建立的廚房設計原則。本研究以人因工程的角度建立台灣高齡者適用的演進式廚房人因工程準則,使有自理能力的高齡者可以藉由改善現有環境,減少意外的發生。透過相關文獻的探討,依據行動能力將有自理能力的高齡者分為能夠自主行動、使用拐杖可以獨立行動以及坐輪椅可以獨立行動等三個等級,再參考相關研究結果或人體計測資料來建立演進式廚房人因工程原則評估表。利用評估表對10間台灣廚房進行實地評估,給予不同行動能力等級的廚房改善建議及繪製改善前後比較模擬圖。最後,彙整不同行動能力等級之高齡者適用的廚房指導原則。
張珈諭、江行全(2017)。 高齡者之演進式廚房環境設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(2), 147-156。
Progressive Kitchen Designs for older adults
*Chang, C.-Y., Jiang, B.-C.
English Abstract Taiwan has had one of the highest growing aging populations in the world since 2015. According to statistics from National Development Council database, Taiwan will be an aged society in 2017. Furthermore, 84% of the older adults in Taiwan have self-care capability. However, there are no kitchen design guidelines for the older adults in Taiwan. The main purpose of this study is to establish a set of progressive kitchen design guidelines for Taiwanese older adults based on ergonomics principles. By modifying the current residence without changing its structure, quality of life could be improved as one ages. First, related references were studied. Second, self-care older adults were classified into three groups by mobility ability: (a) independent, (b) required cane, and (c) required wheelchair. Finally, different physical related research and Taiwanese anthropometry data were applied to establish a list of evaluation factors for a progressive kitchen. These factors were then used to suggest 10 elderly-friendly kitchen designs.Keywords:older adults, progressive kitchen, ergonomics, kitchen design guidelines