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中文摘要 人口老化是二十一世紀全球的趨勢,因應高齡化社會與數位化時代的來臨,本研究以年長者為目標對象,探討其對於數位遊戲之使用狀況,以瞭解數位遊戲在他們日常生活中所扮演的角色及對其身心所造成的影響。本研究採用半結構式深度訪談法,主要以滾雪球方式尋找55歲以上年長者做一對一訪談。接受訪談的20位年長者年齡介於55至82歲之間;教育程度涵蓋範圍從國小畢業至博士畢業;訪談時間長度從30分鐘至90分鐘;訪談內容包括:個人背景資料、數位遊戲使用經歷、數位遊戲對身心之影響、遊戲需求等。本研究於訪談結束後首先建立完整詳細的逐字稿,再著手進行資料的表格整理與濃縮,以及分析歸納。訪談發現:年長者對於遊戲的自我控制力較高,較不會長時間沈迷於遊戲以及花錢玩遊戲;年長者的遊戲汰換率低,較不易更換或是嘗試新的遊戲;年長者對於可以單獨使用、簡單操作、有挑戰性、具娛樂性的遊戲較感興趣;年長者對於是否需有專為高齡者開發的遊戲看法不同,有部分受訪者認為需有專為高齡者開發設計的遊戲,而另一些受訪者則認為目前遊戲選擇已足夠,只要遊戲中有提供高齡版的設定即可。由於高科技產品逐漸豐富了年長者的退休生活,本論文的研究成果將可提供未來遊戲開發者設計製作遊戲之參考。
徐以臻、陸清達、王玲玲(2017)。 年長者於數位遊戲使用現況之探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(3), 179-190。
A Study on Use of Digital Games by Older Adults
Hsu, Y.-C., Lu, C.-T., Wang, L.-L.
English Abstract Population aging is a global trend in the 21st century, as is advances in digital technologies. This study examines the impact of the playing of digital games on the physical and mental health of older people. Twenty persons aged 55 years and above were recruited using a snowball sampling technique. Their educational level ranged from elementary school to doctorate. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used to collect data. The participants were interviewed individually for 30 to 90 minutes. The interview questions included: personal background information, experience with digital games, impact of digital games on physical and mental health, requirements of games for older adults, and so on. Interview data was then analyzed and summarized. The study found that older adults have high self-control skills when playing games, and usually do not indulge in games for a long time or spend money to play games. They are also interested in games which are easy to play, challenging, entertaining, and can be played alone; game replacement rate was low. Additionally, some respondents opined that digital games designed specifically for older people are needed; others were of the view that many games appropriate for young people are also suitable for older adults as long as their interfaces are age-friendly. The results of this study will provide a reference for game developers to design and produce games.Keywords:population aging, aging society, in-depth interview, older adults, digital games