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中文摘要 本研究運用社會生態學模式(social ecological model, SEM)分析社區志工對服務獨居老人之意願,以提供持續推展社區照顧服務應用之參考。本研究採橫斷式調查研究,於2015年8月底前以立意取樣方式選取基隆市居家老人服務隊志工為研究對象,用結構式問卷作為測量工具進行研究資料收集。有效問卷共回收107份,研究對象年齡介於38-88歲之間,對服務獨居老人意願平均分數為46.48±6.38(滿分60)分,迴歸分析顯示宗教信仰、個人面向及政策面向等三個變項顯著(p<0.5)影響社區志工服務獨居老人之意願,整體模式解釋力為37.9%。建議未來在規劃提供獨居老人社區照顧服務時,可就社區志工基本特質考量,以其宗教信仰安排對獨居老人的照顧服務;教育訓練上宜加強諮商輔導、醫療照護及社會福利等專業服務課程;於志工團體、社區組織及政府部門的相關政策提供妥善規劃與建置適切的配套資源,促使社區志工能有效持續投入社區照顧服務。
曾雅梅、陳雪芬(2017)。 運用社會生態學模式分析社區志工對服務獨居老人之意願。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(3), 207-218。
Using the Social Ecological Model To Analyze Community-Volunteers’ Willingness to Care for the Solitary Elderly
Tzeng, Y.-M., Chen, S.-F.
English Abstract This study applied Social Ecological Model to analysis the effecting factors for community volunteers on their willingness to provide solitary elderly community care. Cross-sectional research was adopted. The targeting community care volunteers were chosen from Keelung City based on purposive sampling methods. Structural questionnaire was conducted to acquire data. 107 valid questionnaires were collected. Age of research subjects ranged from 38 to 88 years old, and the average score of their willingness to provide service to solitary elderly is 46.48±6.38 (with a full score of 60) points. Regression analysis indicated that religions, personal factor, and policies have significant influence on the service willingness, with a total model explanation of 37.9%. It is suggested that prospective community care plan for solitary elderly involving community volunteers could refer to religions of volunteers, and should emphasize some professional service courses, such as consulting, medical care and social welfare during the volunteer education training. The research outcome could also be served as a guideline for the establishment of voluntary groups, community organizations and government policies to promote effective and continuous community care service participation for community volunteers.Keywords:community-volunteer, solitary elderly, community care, social ecological model, willingness