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中文摘要 鼻胃管灌食是供給住院或居家老人、長期臥床患者吞嚥困難時,一種方便及安全的醫療措施。但執行鼻胃管灌食的流程中,易忽略清潔、消毒器具或加溫食物等步驟,進而影響消化情形。因此本研究團隊設計「溫控式洗滌管灌器具平台」的創新產品,以泡茶機概念及電磁感應式加熱等設計,達到快速加熱及洗滌雙重功能,且讓平台架置於原本工作車或治療車之上,可不受空間限制,隨意移動。若能改善儲水區的淨水袋重量缺點,透過人體實驗與廠商合作,未來將能成為應用廣泛的量產商品,相信必能縮短照護人員的體力及時間耗損,增進鼻胃管灌食的照護品質。
張吟羽、黃莉媛、李恩綺、王婷穎、蔡碧藍(2017)。 創新產品:管灌沒煩惱—溫控式洗滌管灌器具平台。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(3), 233-240。
Innovative product: convenient nasogastric feeding tube with temperature controlled and washing platform
Chang, Y.-Y., Huang, L.-Y., Li, E.-C., Wang, T.-Y., Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract Nasogastric tube feeding is a convenient and safe medical intervention intended for hospitalized and/or in-home elderly patients and long-term bedridden patients with difficulty swallowing. However, during the process of nasogastric tube feeding, steps such as cleaning and sanitizing the device or heating food are often neglected, which can affect digestion. Therefore, our group has designed an innovative product: a temperature controlled, self-washing feeding tube device platform. The design of this innovative product is borrowed from the design concepts of tea infusing machines and electromagnetic induction heating to achieve the dual functions of fast heating and washing, where the device can be placed above a working or nursing cart and be moved freely, taking up little space. In the future, if the weight of the purified water bag in the water storage area can be reduced, this innovative product can become a widely applied, mass-produced product after human trials and cooperation with manufacturers. It is believed that this product will reduce the physical effort and time requirements of health care professionals and improve the quality of care for nasogastric tube feeding patients.Keywords:nasogastric tube feeding, temperature controlled, washing, device platform