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中文摘要 本研究以服務體驗洞察的架構,針對銀髮族與子女間的互動溝通之居家行為進行分析,找出加強彼此代間關係和諧之隱藏需求,做為居家互動裝置需求新產品創新的契機。服務體驗觀察法採組合定點觀察的方式進行,而體驗訪談法以居家體驗框架為依據,再運用互動、工具器物、實體等層面模型,彙整行為模式,進行銀髮族居家互動裝置潛在的需求分析,其整體需求主要有四點:(1)代間關係改善需要子女主動式的關心;(2)代間情感互動改善要精確掌握父母作息;(3)利用起居室的坐具設計來理解與記錄父母生活作習;(4)應用大數據分析父母生活作息記錄,並據此設定銀髮族居家人際互動裝置設計架構,以物聯網的架構進行設計發展,分為硬體及軟體部分,硬體部分為互動裝置設計及感測器,軟體部分為APP程式設計,進一步改善高齡者居家人際情感互動。
曾誰我、李嘉浤(2017)。 以服務體驗洞察觀點形塑銀髮族居家人際互動裝置需求。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(3), 219-232。
Using Service Contextual Inquiry to Shape the Demand for Household Interactive Devices for the Elderly
Tseng, S.-W., Li, J.-H.
English Abstract This paper analyzes interactions between the elderly and their adult children and attempts to discover hidden cross-generational needs in order to enhance emotional interaction between the elderly and their adult children. In this study, Service Experience Engineering (SEE) was conducted using a contextual inquiry of practical service to document the users’ viewpoints. The subsequent analysis surfaced four findings: (1) Improving the relationship between generations needs adult children’s active care; (2) Improving emotional interaction between generations needs an accurate understanding by adult children of their parents’ daily routine; (3) The seats in the living room can be used to record and analyze the parents’ daily routine; (4) The application of large data analysis from parental daily routine record.Keywords:service experience engineering, household interactive furniture device, elderly, emotional interaction between generations