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中文摘要 失眠(insomnia)症狀包括入睡困難、無法維持睡眠、容易早醒等。ㄧ般而言,每週如果有超過三個晚上有前述現象,則為醫學上所定義的失眠。本研究於106年3月16日至5月16日,針對30歲以上(含30歲)、本身具睡眠困擾、無特殊重大疾病者,進行連續一個月的遠紅外線電熱布睡眠輔具產品體驗,並透過體驗前、後的自填問卷結果,據以評估此輔具對睡眠品質的改善效果。研究樣本45名使用者試用遠紅外線電熱布睡眠輔具後,依匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(PSQI)進行主觀評估的結果,睡眠品質「好」的比例有明顯增加,包含主觀睡眠品質、睡眠遲滯期、睡眠總時數、習慣性睡眠效率、睡眠困擾及日間功能失調共六個構面,達到統計上顯著意義,具有改善效果。建議未來持續透過睡眠輔具與睡眠臨床研究,開發有益於改善睡眠的產品,並進一步發展睡眠效益提升的對策,協助睡眠研究結果在生活層面上的落實。
于建華、王榮沛、鄭智文、鄭世裕(2017)。 遠紅外線電熱布睡眠輔具開發之試用評估分析。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(3), 257-264。
Trial Evaluation and Analysis of Far Infrared Sleep Assistive Device for Treating Insomnia
Yu, C.-H., Wang, J.-P., Cheng, C.-W., Cheng, S.-Y.
English Abstract Insomnia symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, inability to maintain sleep, ease of waking up, and so on. In general, if symptoms occur more than three nights a week, the patient is diagnosed as having insomnia. This study was conducted on 45 persons 30 years old and above with insomnia and no major diseases, and included the use of a far-infrared sleep assistive device for a month. Through the self-fill questionnaires on sleep quality before and after the use of the device, we evaluated the device did improve sleep quality. Both Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Scale (PSQI) assessments and the percentage of improved sleep quality significantly increased in six facets: "subjective sleep quality", "sleep lag", "total sleep time", "habitual sleep efficiency", "sleep disturbance" and "daytime dysfunction". Future recommendations include continued development of sleep assistive devices through clinical trials and further development strategies for improving sleep quality.Keywords:far infrared, sleep disturbances, sleep assistive device, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)