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中文摘要 靜脈輸液治療是許多住院病人常見的醫療處置,但治療過程,病人和家屬常會因為需要關注輸液流動情形,干擾作息或睡眠,而護理人員則有因控制輸液流速、滴畢或阻塞不滴引發副作用,增加照護時數及工作量之困擾。經分析輸液套管物品及探討靜脈輸液幫浦、血氧監測器等原理後,設計出「靜脈輸液監測設計構想:愛心小眼睛」,是在靜脈輸液套管的滴定室處,夾上具有紅外線感應夾組,達到監測輸液流速,降低合併症之器具,有輕巧、方便攜帶、操作簡單及可重複使用等特性之創新產品。未來若能有廠商合作及通過人體試驗,必能平穩價格,進而增進靜脈輸液照護品質,降低護理人員工作負荷。
周芮伃、簡宛亭、林軒儀、張乃樺、蔡碧藍(2018)。 靜脈輸液監測設計構想:愛心小眼睛。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(4), 353-362。
A Design Thinking for Supervising Intravenous Infusion: Caring Little-Eye
Chou, R.-Y., Jian, W.-T., Lin, X.-Y., Chang, N.-H., Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract Intravenous (IV) infusion therapy is a common medical management modality for many inpatients. During IV infusion, close attention needs to be paid to the infusion flow rate, and therefore patients’ rest and sleep can be subjected to disturbance. If the nursing staff needs to control the infusion flow rate, concerns about side effects due to the completion or obstruction of the infusion flow will increase caregiving time and the workload of the nursing staff. After analyzing the working principles of IV sets, infusion pumps, and oximeters, we designed a device called “A design thinking for supervising intravenous infusion: Caring little-eye” in which the titration chamber of an IV set is clamped with a group of infrared sensors that monitor the infusion flow rate and reduce the occurrence of complications. This device is portable, easy to operate, and suitable for repeated use. With the collaboration of manufacturers and provided this device is approved by human experimentation, in future, the price of this device would be stable, thereby further improving the quality of care during IV infusion and reducing the workload of nursing staff.Keywords:intravenous infusion therapy, monitor, infrared