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中文摘要 健康是包含身、心、靈的全人健康,其中心理健康常會影響生理健康。研究指出許多治療方法能改善生活孤單導致的憂鬱及低自尊心程度問題,運動治療及園藝治療即是其中的兩種方法。但過去研究缺少針對長者本身對這些治療方式看法的實際調查,因此,本研究除了調查長者本身對兩種方法之重要性及滿意度的主觀看法外,也確實進行兩種治療方法改善效果的比較與檢測效果評估。研究結果指出長者認為園藝治療較能夠帶給長者溝通的機會和具有提升自尊程度的效果,而二項治療策略對於憂鬱程度之改善效果亦達到統計上的顯著差異。最後,建議長期照護機構在治療方式的選擇及時機上必須有所差異,不能一致性的讓長者參與。本研究可作為教育人員與長照單位在設計銀髮族心靈健康照護介入方法時的參考依據。
羅家倫(2018)。 園藝治療與運動治療對於改善銀髮族憂鬱及自尊低落之成效研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(4), 299-312。
A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Exercise Therapy and Horticulture Therapy on Relieving Depression and Improving Self-Esteem in Elderly Adults in Long-Term Care Institutions
Lo, C.-L.
English Abstract With the aging of the population in Taiwan, there is now more concern about how to maintain and improve the health status of the elderly. Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person – body, mind, spirit, and emotions – in the quest for optimal health and wellness. Mental health can significantly impact physical health. While therapies that could potentially relieve depression and improve self-esteem have been proposed in many studies, there is no research on how the elderly themselves perceive these therapies. This study investigates the views of elderly in Taiwan of two therapies: exercise therapy and horticulture therapy. It involved 34 elderly people who live in long-term care institutions. The study concluded that horticulture therapy is useful for improving self-esteem. The difference of the effectiveness of the two therapies on relieving depression was found to be statistically significant. The findings of this study should provide insights for educational staffs and caregivers regarding care strategies.Keywords:exercise therapy, horticulture therapy, depression, self-esteem