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中文摘要 隨著高齡人口的增加,身心障礙者同樣面臨高齡化的問題,他們的需求要比一般老人更為多重與複雜,但是我國政府長照2.0中對於高齡身心障礙者的政策,除了失智症之外,幾乎缺乏對於精神疾患、心智障礙、聽障與視障等其他身障老人的服務策略。各障別高齡身心障礙者照顧政策,需要依據其身心各方面的需求,包括各障別的特殊需要,從社會教育、專業培訓、需求調查研究、個案管理流程、社區照顧機制建立等規畫長期照顧服務,才能使有各類障別高齡身心障礙者均能得到適切且完善的照顧。
劉雅文、何立博(2018)。 檢視長照2.0對於高齡身心障礙者之規劃。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 5(4), 373-388。
Long-term care policy for aging people with disabilities
Liu, Y.-W., Ho, L.-P.
English Abstract With the increase in the elderly population, people with disabilities are also aging. Unfortunately, government services only cover elderly citizens who have dementia. This study examines government policy for the welfare of elderly persons with disabilities, in addition to dementia, mental disorders, hearing impairment, and visual impairment. It is necessary for the government to consider all aspects of physical and mental health and include the special needs of the aforementioned groups when planning its policies, from social education, professional training, additional research, case management, and long-term community care, that cover all elderly persons, including those with disabilities, so that they are able to receive appropriate and comprehensive care.Keywords:long-term care, elderly, disability